This is true…
the way we see the world is very important. You know you can see things differently if you just set your mind into something new… think positive.. and the world will be positively new also…
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9 sec read
This is true…
the way we see the world is very important. You know you can see things differently if you just set your mind into something new… think positive.. and the world will be positively new also…
what do you think about this quote?
bener banget nih. kebanyakan kita gak sadar akan hal ini. kita biasanya fokus sama ‘sensasi’ yang langsung didapat sehingga sering stuck dalam kondisi mental yang merugikan. padahal kalo disadari kita bisa mengatur gimana supaya cara pandang kita bikin masalah gak stagnan dan bergerak maju. not easy but not impossible kalau dilatih. mas ryan dapet aja nih quote2 yang mantep. 🙂
mantab banget commentnya…
agree. not easy. but not impossible.
mari kita maju dan lepaskan stagnansi dalam hidup.
cuma kebetulan aja. following yang pasang quote spt itu.