3 Things You Need To Know To Start Blogging

3 things you need to know to start blogging

3 Things You Need To Know To Start Blogging

Why do you blog? Many would answered to make money from blog. Many friends that get lucky and get the money from blogging. That is the most top reasons for someone making a blog. It is deferred from the old days’ reasons, where blogging is a just an online diary. But hey…. before you start blogging, read this 3 (three) things you need to know to start blogging.

3 (Three) Things You Need to Know to Start Blogging

In general, there are many things you need to know to do blogging. But to make it simple and answering Blog English Club’s challenge about THREE, I will write only 3 essential things you need to consider before you start blogging yourself.

3 things you need to know to start blogging
3 Things You Need To Know To Start Blogging

#1. Knowing Why Do You Blog

In the first place, you need to know why do you blog. What is the reason you do blogging. What is it you looking for by creating a blog. This is the most essential thing you need to know to start blogging. Because, different reasons will create different approach during blogging itself.

There are many reasons for someone do blogging, as I mentioned above, some of them are:

  • Hobby – blogging is a place for your hobby in writing
  • Sharing – you feel that you want to share what you have inside your head
  • Promotion – you have an offline business and you want to promote it
  • Learning – blog is a place for you to learn how to write better
  • Gain confidence – for someone who are not talkative around people, blog is a place to talk about things and gain your confidence.
  • Others – many other reasons of blogging. You can read it here.

Making money is also included in that post, but let’s not make the “making money” as a reason, because…

#2. Have Passion in Writing

Some say that just write on a blog, instantly you’ve become a blogger. But you know what? Writing in a blog – especially if you are going to write daily, is not easy. You really have to have passion in writing. Writing is like something you have to do.

When you don’t have that kind of passion, you are creating a blog but then nothing written there. Perhaps one post a month – could be also one in a year. I did experience this also. Having a passion in writing things around you is great because you would wrote on any occasions without feeling you HAVE TO, you do it because you want to – you love to do it.

[Tweet “And when you do blog for money, you do need the passion in writing as well.”]

Because when you write and write and write, the brand will see how you progress and see the value of your blog. Brand would not looking at a blog which not updated for so long. They need blogs that updated (daily).

#3. The Main Thing about Blogging is Having Fun

Even though, many bloggers now getting the money from their blogs, they did blogging for fun at the beginning. Like what written on the book Blogging: Have Fun and Get the Money by Carolina Ratri, getting the money is long term. If you just started blogging yesterday, please don’t expecting the money come to your blog today.

[Tweet “Having fun in blogging make things easier to do”]

Believe me, I’ve been there done that. Focusing on getting the money from blog is not the best way to do blogging. Forget it. It will come to you, if you are ready.


Getting used with blogging first and knowing the blogging world, inside out, then you can think about: “how to get the money from blog”. Don’t let yourself caught up in those endless thoughts. If you want to start blogging, put those 3 (three) things you need to know to start blogging.

[Tweet “Learn from the celeblog – how they become a celebblog”]

They didn’t get their position just by creating blog, but they did many things that take them into their position now. (Read: Things you can learn from Blog Celebrity).


  • Ih kerennn tulisannya 😀
    Ini nih yang perlu blogger baru atau yang belum-pernah-ngeblog-tapi-pengen-ngeblog perlu tahu. Terkadang mereka hanya ikut-ikutan saja dan mengira kalau selamanya jadi blogger itu bergelimang produk gratis atau uang. Padahal kalau aku liat beberapa orang (khususnya temenku yang non blogger) gak ada passion sama sekali di bidang tulisan. Gemes aja ngeliatnya cuma minta diajarin ngeblog, tapi bilangnya gak bisa nulis. Lah gimana??

    Aduh jadi tsurhattt hahahaha

    • Sebenernya bisa diakalin Lia. Suruh mereka cerita ke kamu. Kamu yang nulis hahahaha.
      Emang skrg lihatnya duitnya dl sih

  • eggimaru

    Very elaborate post. I like when professional bloggers say blogging is their job and they commit to it. And you do.
    Have a nice day.

    • Have a great day mas. I am not a professional one. At least for now. Hihi

      • eggimaru

        ya deklarasi saja biar brand semakin melihat kredibilitas Mas Febriyan 🙂

      • Deklarasi kemerdekaan gitu ya mas. 😀

  • Hahaha I knew it! You would write your “three things” with a blogging-related content! 😀

    • Hahahaha. I thought you asked me for this. Hahaha ?

  • Ryaaan, we should catch up and let me know many other things about blogging. Three isn’t enough for me 😀

    • Hahaha. Sure Rina. When…

  • awalnya aku gak punya passion di menulis, eh sampe skr juga masih amburadul sih tulisannya 🙂 tapi gak nyesel sih setelah hampir 8 thn ngeblog. Cuma harus terus belajar banyak

    • Konsisten ya mbak dalam nulis dan belajar. Lama-lama jadi passion sendiri itu

  • suka bangat sama tulisan lu yang ini Ryan. setuju dari semua hal diatas yang penting sich kitanya senang yach. karena kalau sudah senang dan berguna buat yang baca itu rasanya gimana gitu.

    • Iya Lin. Kalau gak ada rasa senangnya itu bakalan berasa celaka gitu

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