

Changes 1

We’re only human that hoping that life will change. That people will change. That everything will change to be better than now.

We are only hoping
Hoping things and other change. Without doing the changes ourselves, just hoping and waiting.

Let’s change… Start from ourselves… Make the world better. For our life. For everyone.

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  • Oh, such a powerful quote!

    • Yup indeed Cindi.
      I like it also.

  • it reminds me to a story about someone who wanna change the world, but he can’t cz he has not changed his mind..
    I like Ur article !!

    • Thank you. Can you share the story? Would like to hear it

      • just a short story..
        once upon time, there was a men who aims to become a president, because he wanna change his country. however, when his age was 40 years old, he changed his mind to do it. Then he had a goal to change his town, but he was fail.
        He never give up to change his around environment. When his age was 50 years old, he intended to change his village, but he was fail anymore. In 55 years old, he intended to change his family be better, but he was fail again. Finally, in 60 years old, he changed himself by changing his mind first, and he did it. As a result, he could change his family and his environment.
        yeah, just it.

      • I think i read this story somewhere times ago. I think i got it from email.

        Really nice story to remind us to change ourself first to change the world. Right?

        Thank you for sharing.

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