One thing first my friend.
If you want to forgive others for their mistakes, one you need to do before is to forgive yourself for your own mistakes.
You can say: “I forgive you”
But if you haven’t forgive yourself, the forgiveness will only be a word. Nothing more.
Forgive yourself, we are allowed to make mistakes, as long as we learnt from them and being better. – at Commium
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Bisa dijadikan die postinngan nih 🙂
Btw, apa kabar Ryan? masih tertarik dengan postcard nggak?, kemarin kemarin khan tanya ya, seandainya masih tertarik
Hi mba. Mau dong. Nanti k tkp ah
Sorry typo maksudnya ide 🙂
it’s my favorite book..
Really?? What else you like from him? Any other book?
Pengampunan bukan berarti melupakan, tapi melepaskan 🙂
Yep. Letting go the burden.