Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Short Post: A Question – Does It Matter?

1 min read

ranks for blogger

Few days ago, I posted on my path about ranks – many people focusing on ranks. Either that is about their children’s ranks at school or ranks for bloggers. Yes, this is the question for bloggers actually. I remember when I was a kid.

My mother and (late) father compared me to my friends, especially my father. He loved to see me “angry” because I was compared to the others. I always took top 5 grade since my elementary but still he always said that A performed better than me or B got bigger points than myself.

I was really sad and kind of angry. I felt that all my efforts was meaningless. But that was then. Now? I am glad that he did that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be who I am now. Right?

Okay back to topic.

Doess It Matter – A Question for bloggers?

Yes, I am curious. Really curious now. Does it really matter for you, as bloggers – Indonesian Bloggers? All those ranks by Alexa – Alexa Ranks. Or Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) by Moz.

Yes, I know, when we talked about Job Review from brands or agencies, they need those ranks.

But personally, do you feel you really need it? Is it really matter for you? So you need to focus on those ranks rather than your own blog.

Read also: Knowing what is DA & PA (Indonesian Post)

Or perhaps they are not matter at all…

I know every bloggers would have their own thinking about those ranks.

Probably, some don’t care about those ranks, but some really care about them.

Quantifying Things That You Can

What I see is that we, human – either you are bloggers or not, always quantifying things that you can. And those ranks are one way to quantifying the quality of a blogger. But is it really defining the quality of a blogger? Or are there any other thing to measure?

Instead of looking for another methods to quantifying the quality – we, well at least I am, finally looking at the ranks as the basic. It is not wrong, imho. But when those ranks becoming the focus on your blogging activities, then we need to do something.

ranks for blogger
Ranks for bloggers – are they really matter?

Why don’t we focus on creating content that matter?


Well, there are many ranks that we can use as a blogger, such as Alexa, DA PA, Traffic – such as Pageviews, Unique Visitors, and the old one Pagerank, etc. But is it matter the most for us as bloggers? Do we need to focus on those ranks and focusing on them? Share your thought on the comment below.

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Behind The Scene

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25 Replies to “Short Post: A Question – Does It Matter?”

  1. I have hear about ranks in blogging. It is interesting. On one hand, they can motivate you to make a better blog but on the other hand, you can get so focused on the numbers and how much traffic you get. For me, I always focus on quality over quantity and if I can inspire just one person with my blog, then I am happy 🙂

  2. Kalau aku sih mikirin ya 😀 , klo rank Alexa makin gendut tandanya sudah lama gak update blog, makin jarang posting makin gendut angkanya, tp bukan berarti juga nulis/posting asal2 an demi postingan yg sering. Trafik mikirin juga, misal jan-april trafik naik 2-3x lipat eh mei sampai skrg anjlok banget krn perubahan algoritma google, berhub bukan dialami aku aja melainkan banyak blogger juga kena ya nyantai ajalah sambil menjaga semangat ngeblog tentunya 😀 .

  3. I did like to think how to increase the traffic and rank, but then it became too stressful .. So, I try not to think about it too much now 😉

  4. Some think that Alexa, DA, PA, Klout, etc do matter. Well, I can’t say that I don’t think those as important points, especially when I’m applying to any job reviews or advertorials on my blog. But, in a casual blogging day, I’m not stressing on those things. I always keen on blogging because damn I love it. Not because I wanna to be popular or sth. Sometimes I check those ranks, only when I read some friends’ FB status about their own ranks. So I got curious on mine too. Hehehe. Nice thought anyway, Mas Ryan. Anyway, I certainly feel your childhood experience. My mom used to compare me with so many kids. About school grade, behavior, and many more. Because of that, I took academic pretty seriously. I always tried my best to maintain high rank on academic until college, just to shur my mom up. We developed not so good relationship. But thank God, after the kids were born, we’ve had a better relationship. And I really do try my best not to be my mom to my kids. *curcol alert*

    1. Me too mbak Grace. I tried to shut my father by doing good on those grade.

      Really nice insight about the rank scores mbak Grace. And I really love it. It does matter when it comes to JR but shouldn’t make us stress about it.

  5. Tidak Maaas, traffic cuma buat analisis doang. Tapi akhir-akhir ini kepikiran buat naikin traffic karena mau upgrade domain terus cobain wordads dan buat nulis advertorial jugaaa. Wakakak. Traffic mungkin akan jadi perhatian, tapi nggak jadi fokus. Fokusnya sih dapetin komen, lumayan sebagai umpan balik dari kualitas tulisan. Dan buat nyari temen juga sih.

    Selain itu juga mikir, saya kan nulis blog banyakan curhatnya, kalo pengunjungnya banyak, jadi makin ga aman dan ga nyaman dong untuk nulis hal-hal pribadi. Nanti aja, mungkin kalo suatu saat punya waktu untuk ngebangun blog baru yang niche, baru belajar soal SEO, traffic, dan nyari jaringan dan duit untuk blog itu.

    1. Setuju. Saat sudah mulai mikir soal duit dan kita terbiasa curhat, sudah harus mulai hati-hati milihin curhatannya ya.
      Semoga menemukan niche dan dapat uang dari blognya ya.

      1. Untuk semoga-dapat-uangnya diaminkan deh Mas. Tapi untuk jadi niche… kayaknya asikan begini. Meski emang susah sih dapet duit kalo ga niche hahaha

  6. Kalau ditanya mikirin ranking atau enggak, saya sih mikirin ? Tapi ga sampe setres, iri atau ngoyo gimana caranya supaya ranks better than everyone else. Karena saya yakin angka2 itu akan mengikuti perkembangan blog kita. Makin berumur sebuah blog, makin luas blogging network kita, makin banyak konten yang bermanfaat dan dioptimasi SEO-nya, ya akan makin bagus juga rankingnya.

    1. Pemikiran yang asik mbak. Gak usah ngoyo banget sampe stress ya.
      Saya sih setuju soal otomatis akan naik sendiri ranking itu semua kalau memang kita share yang bagus

  7. Pas mikirin ranking? SUTRIS! Hahahaha.
    Kok hari ini segini, kok hari itu segitu… Terus aja rauwis-uwis. Udahlah akhirnya lepas deh lepaaas… Lebih enak dan lebih menikmati ngeblognya malahan 😀

  8. *misii… komennya di bahasa Indonesia aja ya… hehehe…

    secara personal ga pernah mikirin rangking yak, biarkan aja mengalir gitu aja. tau sendiri kan, kalo udah bahas2 alexa, da, pa, dsb dsb itu aku mending melipir aja. hahaha… tetep pengen merasa ‘fun’ dan puas setiap klik tombol submit post 😀

      1. DA PA itu bukannya kudu aktif di socmed gitu2 ya? Tau sendiri lah, kayanya aku ga banci socmed juga, hahaha… udah lah, ga terlalu mikir sampe situ, yang penting nulis dan enjoy 😀

      2. Hahaha. Gak harus aktif medsos deh. Eh apa iya yak. Hahahaha.
        Dirimu kan aktif di twitter om.

        Eh tapi trafficmu mah gede dari SEO juga ya.

  9. Saya nggak mikirin soal rank dan angka-angka itu tapi suka iri sama blogger yang punya angka-angka tinggi :haha. Ah nggak, ah. Beban hidup saya sudah banyak, saya kasihan sama diri sendiri kalau beban itu harus ditambah dengan hal-hal seperti ini. Ya kan nulis buat melepas beban, ini kok menambah beban. Kalau kita melakukan suatu kegiatan tapi rasanya terbebani, menurut saya nggak sehat.

  10. aku sih ga fokus ke traffic blog Mas Ryan. Malah jadi kebebanin nulis x_x
    apalagi blog aku bukan blog niece atau buat ngasilin duit sih, jadi ga fokus ke traffic juga

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