Wherever you stand now…
Are you happy?
Is it where you want to be now?
Is there anything (anyone) you want more?
Wherever you stand…
be happy
be grateful
be YOU
6 sec read
Wherever you stand now…
Are you happy?
Is it where you want to be now?
Is there anything (anyone) you want more?
Wherever you stand…
be happy
be grateful
be YOU
…and be strong. and light-hearted.. because there will always be unexpected obstacles and disrespectful things trying to pull you off your way… 😛
fotonya keren mas ryan 🙂
makasih… saya mang keren.. *dilempar bika ambon*
nice words Ilham…
Happy dong, bgmn dgn kamu di sana happy juga kah ? 😛
happy dong
buktinya ? 😛
i’m always smiling… hahahaha.
Nice shot.. 🙂
and nice poem.. 😀
thank you…
Thank you, my friend!
Who is it this poem dedicate to?
Is it me? well.. I’m just fine here, thank you for asking #dieng.. suara besi dipukul# asmie keGRan.. 😀
buat semua kok… 🙂