Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

[EF#12] Public Transport in Jakarta

4 min read

how to choose a public transport in jakarta indonesia

Jakarta Outer Ring Road (Jorr), March 27, 2015

Many will say that living in Jakarta (or its satellite) is tough, especially if we were talking about the transportation and traffic. Many public transportations in Jakarta are ought to be replaced with the new ones. And these public transportations are also one of the traffic jam’s causes.

They, especially those which are not in a specific pathway, usually stop everywhere they like to. For instance, you can see many Kopaja or Metromini’s driver (medium busses) usually park their vehicles nearby bridges along Sudirman and Thamrin area. They are waiting for passengers there.

In spite of those conditions, using public transportations is my ultimate choice to commute. There are reasons behind this, of course, such as:

  1. I can sleep through the way.
  2. I can see many people if I’m using these.
  3. I don’t know how to drive, whether it is a car or a bike (actually this is because my laziness to learn).
  4. There are many things you can see if you are using these.

For myself, I usually choose APTB or busses, like Mba Maya (as written by Rina), to go to Jakarta (depend on where to). And for going back I choose “ompreng” – a private owned car that providing transport services – that stand by between Atmajaya University and Plaza Semanggi.


The fares for taking this kind of transports are as follows:

  1. Cileungsi APTB Blok M
    Cileungsi APTB Blok M

    APTB: it is Rp 17.000,00 for one way trip but if you use a Flazz Card, you only be charged for Rp 15.000,00 as I previously mentioned in my Kemudahan Pembayaran dengan Kartu Plastik. And you don’t have to pay any extra if you change it into TransJakarta, as long as you are stopping at TransJakarta bus-stop.

  2. Mbak Maya and any other big busses from Cileungsi is between Rp 15,000 – Rp 20,000,- for each trip. For instance, today I took Mbak Maya number 70A (Cileungsi – Tanah Abang), I paid Rp 15,000,- for it.
  3. Ompreng is about Rp 20,000,- for now. Each passenger, no matter where they headed will be charged as same. Back then, about 2 (two) years ago, the fares are difference depend on where you seat and where you stop. Now, they make it easier, same fare for everyone.
  4. Other public transport that I can use is Angkot (small car that registered and used as transport), such as Number 56 (Cileungsi – UKI), Number 121 (Cileungsi – Kampung Rambutan), Cileungsi – Laladon (no number on it and usually use to go to Bogor), etc. The fares are between Rp 5.000,- to Rp 15.000,- depend on which one you take.

The Others

Of course, beside those I mentioned above there are other public transports that are available to be used for commuting. There are:

  1. Ojek – Motorcyle Taxi. I usually choose this one if I’m in a hurry. The nature of this one is suitable to go through the traffic jams. The fare is depending on the distance and how you negotiate.
  2. Taxi itself. Usually I used this one if I don’t have any other options or I am not alone. The fare is a combination of fixed rate and variable one. The fixed rate, called Basic Fare, is now Rp 7.500,- as you walk into the taxi. And the variable is depending on the distance and also the time, it has its own mechanism to calculate it, which I still yet know how.
  3. Bajaj. It is a three-wheeled vehicle from India. If you are in my age, you must have known Warkop DKI. On one of their movies, (late) Dono was using Bajaj. And soon after using it, he can’t stop bouncing his body. It was how you would feel if you took Bajaj, been there done that, but now there are a smooth and less noisy Bajaj – the blue one.
  4. Train. To commute along Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) area is called Commuter Line. I took this several times. And it is good way to be used as your mean transportation as long as your area has it. Mine? Nope.  I usually take train to go outside Jakarta, like Cirebon, West Java.
  5. Airplane. This one usually use for long distance travel. Now there are many ways to buy its ticket online.

Tips for Public Transport Use

 I know it is frustrating to use a public transport in Jakarta and its satellite’s cities but we can enjoy the ride if we want to. Here are tips from me to enjoying it, after all life is a journey to be enjoyed, right?

  1. Morning snack bought on a bridge
    Morning snack bought on a bridge

    Go early. I know it is frustrating to be caught in the middle of traffic jams. One way to avoid it is by leaving home earlier. Yes, you would spend less time with your family but you will have more quality of your own. On my own experiences, coming late at office was bad. Bad for the record and also for your own mood. So… Why don’t you fix it by coming early? No need to feel the rush inside your vain and ended up working carelessly.

  2. Enjoy the view. Yes. Enjoy the view that is given in front of you. Many ignore the view and thinking the jams. This is not good. Try to see the sunrise or sunset once in a while. It took your stress off. Trust me, it works.
  3. Do something. Instead of being grumpy all the way, you can do something to siphoned you off the traffic. For instance you can listening to radio or call your love one. Or you can read a book. Or like most of Jakartans, busy yourself with your gadget but don’t forget to look up.
  4. The view yesterday
    The view yesterday

    Use it based on your needs. I have shown you the type of transports you can use and the fares also. Choose which one is suited your needs. If you are in a hurry, I suggest you take Ojek instead of Taxi. Just like on every other things in your life, decide what your needs and choose wisely (consider the cost and benefit).

  5. Go get the discount. Nowadays, many public transports give us discount if we used some apps. Such as Grab Taxi. It would give you cheaper fare for taking a taxi. Or Go Jek instead of stand-by Ojek, by using this app, you would have cheaper cost if you are a person who can’t negotiate well. Or perhaps like I mentioned above, use your plastic card for taking APTB.

Those are my tips for using public transportations in Jakarta. I had posted before another tips about avoiding pick pocket. You can read it if you like.

As an ending, I want to say that:

Life is a journey, my friend, enjoy it. Choose your way to enjoy it, it is in your own to decide, whether enjoying it or not.

This post is for English Friday Challenge #12 – Your Means of Transport. Based on what I wrote above, can you tell what is my favorite transport?

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

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73 Replies to “[EF#12] Public Transport in Jakarta”

  1. The information is very detail Mas. Super good post (tepuk tangan). Hehehe. What is it Omprengan Mas? This is the first time I heard about Omprengan ^^

  2. nggak pernah ketemu di tempat omprengan ya Ryan..?
    emang jam pulangnya beda sih ya, aku biasanya naik dari lap parkir depan rumah sakit Jakarta

  3. Pernah nyoba naik cibubur junction shuttle. Egileloyeee taripnya dong above 30 k/trip, lupa pasnya. 40 apa 45 ribu gitu dong. Tajir2 amat sik orang cibubur? 🙁

    1. Last Monday. Gara2 demo jd ke junction naik itu. 20rb skrg San. Gw juga ingetnya dulu mahal. Tp skrg segitu. Mgkn krn armadanya dah mulai banyak ya. Cuma jarang naik itu. Hrs ke Junction dulu

      1. Waaaaah udah turun banyak! Masih reasonable lha ya kalo segitu. Dulu kan kesel ya, masak mahalnya kayak ke bandara. Hihihi, santi anaknya pelit 😛

      2. Hahahaha. Memang. Dulu naik pas awal doang. Krn ada yang ke Kowis n msh promo cm 25rban. Skrg. Gak deh kl gak terpaksa. Ke Junctionnya juga dah males. Hahaha

  4. I think that is the consequence you have to take for living in the crowded city like capital city. I guess your most favorite is Transjakarta. Hehe.
    However, I suggest you should ride a motorcycle for it can makes you go faster and get through the traffic jam quite easily. 😀
    Anyway, wait for my post, Sir! Hahaha :p

  5. kalo ke jkt biasanya saya naik taxi,mau naik kopaja gak tau jalur2nya takut copet juga,tapi kemaren oernah di ajak temen naek kereta komuter line kalo gak salah namanya lumayan berdesak2an tapi untungnya naik ke gerbong yg khusus perempuan jadi merasa lebih nyaman 🙂

      1. hehe,soalnya ke jkt kan biasanya untuk urus berkas dll jadi gak lama paling bbrp hari doang,kalo lama2 naik taxi juga bisa bangkrut saya,hehe

  6. soo many public transport in Jakarta, that make me confused what would i take to,, hehehe

    i guess “angkot” is your favorite transport.

  7. kalau naik bis, pengennya seh bisa menikmati pemandangan… cuma bawaannya saya ngantuk terus 😀

    favorit saya ya sepeda motor. cepat dan bisa selap-selip kalau macet

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