Welcome to febriyanlukito.com. This is my new home after few years I was using wordpress.com. Please do read this page About Me because I didn’t transfer from the old blog.
About Me – Febriyan Lukito
I am Febriyan Lukito, an Indonesian citizen who love to write and share anything I find from my daily life. I write to keep some lessons for myself and perhaps could be inspiring others as well. I was born in Jakarta in 1982, so you can calculate how old I am .
I was born in an average type family, like most of other, but they are warmth and lovable family. Thank you God for the family I have. I have been working since 2004 and most are in Finance & Accounting department. I love doing Accounting, specially budget, report and analysis. So if you want to ask me about any of these, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Aside of working, I love writing as I’ve mentioned above, whether it is about my experiences, review of movies, books, or anything. I believe that we can learn so much from each experiences along the way of our life.
I love taking pictures also. No, I am not professional photographer, I am just a man who like to take pictures. Most days, I take pictures using my cell. Most of the pictures in this site is mine, unless noted otherwise, so please do ask me if you want to use it.
Life as Blogger
Actually, I never claimed myself as a full time blogger. I am a man who fall in love with blogging and its usefulness as media to share. I use my blogs as a media for sharing, caring and enriching life – hopefully it is enriching life whom read this blog.
I started my blogging as a medium for Curcol – a.k.a online journal. As time went by, I realized how blogs affecting many people who looks for information. Therefore… I started to learn more about blogging and its’ related topics such as SEO, Photography, Content Writing, etc.
My Blogs
As I mentioned above, I do have some blogs. Each has their own purposes.
1. Febriyan Lukito – Sharing, Caring & Enriching Life

The main blog is this blog – febriyanlukito.com. With a tagline sharing, caring and enriching life, this blog main purpose is to share information.
[Tweet “I share because I care #FebriyanLukitoCom – sharing, caring & enriching life”]
As the blog growing from time to time, I realized that I really need to focus more into something I am passionate about, Blogging and Inspirations. Therefore this blog will share information about blogging (not technicality ones) and inspirations.
Category on FebriyanLukitoCom
The categories of this blog is
- Review – Film, Buku, Technology
- Tips – Keuangan, Passion & Wirausaha
- Inspirations – Inspirasi Hidup, Orang yang Menginspirasi & 7 Habits
- Blogging – Segala sesuatu tentang ngeblog dan SEO
Mostly, I will write in Indonesian, but I also have English Post – mostly in answering Blog English Club Challenges. And I also provide a place for Indonesian Bloggers to write as Guest Post in this blog.
Read also: Becoming Guest Post of FebriyanLukitoCom
2. Tulisan Blogger Indonesia by Febriyan Lukito – Tips Blogging Indonesia
The second blog I have is Tulisan Blogger Indonesia. In this blog, I share many blogging tips, SEO Tips and writing tips (written in Indonesian). Most of the tips are technicality posts. How to do something about your blog but applicable.
All of the tips I shared on tulisanbloggerindonesia.com are things that I already used and done for this blog or my other blogs.
Other Blogs
Those are my 2 main blogs. But I also have other blogs as follows:
- Tempat Nongkrong Seru – A culinary blog by Febriyan Lukito. I share a place to hangouts and culinary reviews here.
- Pikiran Random – a random thought through writings.
- Perjalanan Senja – a fiction blog – a place where Life Journeys written.
I also contribute on several blogs and online media such as:
- Pejalan Senja – this my friend’s travel blog.
- IDpreneurs – A blog where I share about entrepreneurships
- Trivia ID – online media by Zetta Media. (closed)
- Indoblognet by MB Communication
- TipsdantrikID – Site about tips and trick in Indonesian.
Please do Contact
If you have questions about me or about my blog, you can contact me at febriyan@febriyanlukito.com or at this page.
LIFE is…
Learning everything day by day
Improve yourself from time to time
Fearless and Fight for the man you wanna be,
but most of all, life is about…
Enjoying every moment and leaving the path of life
So let’s have some fun, enjoying the moments and share with others. Cheers.
Febriyan Lukito
Updated on January 1st, 2017