Bad… Bad… Bad (not romance)

Bad… Bad… Bad (not romance)

Most of us are bad at being people every once in a while. We’re generally pretty great, though. – Michelle Weber

I was reading my reading panels in this blog and I stumbled upon the daily post about Separating Blog You from You You: Outline Boundaries, that written by Michelle W. The post topic is interesting, it’s about how to maintain you and yourself and your blog separately of course.

But I don’t wanna talk about the post content, instead I want to talk about the comment that Michelle post. The comment is the one I put as a quote above. What do you think about that?

I believe that people are kind and full of love, but during the process of life (Life is a Journey), many change the heart from full of  love into many forms, such as anger and make us full of grudge or in contrast, you can also forms into a more lovable person. It is your choice of your own life.

Just because it is on the ground, doesn't mean you can't see the beauty of it
Just because it is on the ground, doesn’t mean you can’t see the beauty of it

And if you do some mistakes in your life… please remember, it’s okay to do mistake once a while but don’t make those mistakes becoming a habit. Come on, nobody’s perfect. If the world full of perfect people, I’m pretty sure, it will be boring place to live in.

For me, being bad once a while is just a step to be better in life. You can learn for all those “bad” things how to be a good, even great person. Yep… another phrase of life that I love to use is… Life is a learning process. Learn from ourselves (our own experiences) or from others… as long as we are willing to accept those learning process.

So, what do you think about the quote… I think I’m quite mess up in describing my opinion about the quote. But I really like to hear from you about it. Don’t hesitate to comment.


  • “Dont make a mistake become a habit”. Totally believe bro… hehe 😀 What I dislike is when someone never aware that he/she makes a mistake. It will become a habitual without awarness.

    • Totally. That’s why we need to be aware of ourselves.

  • Marah, benci, melakukan kesalahan, that’s human being. yang terpenting adalah belajar menyadari kesalahan dan berproses menjadi lebih baik. 😉 setuju deh sama kamuu

  • Says who I’m not bad constantly… it’s just people around me say I’m not. Deep down inside, who knows? *evil grin

    • Huahahahaha.
      Mostly we don’t realizing that.

  • Agfian Muntaha

    Comparison, somehow, that is the main reason why we thought we are bad.

    • Comparison to what bro.

      • Agfian Muntaha

        ourselves to other 🙂

      • that’s true… when we do it we actually did it.

  • duniaely

    hmmmm … . 🙂

    • Kok hmmmm

      • Ikutan sama Mbak Ely : hmmmm…. ‘:’

        *klo gak diupdate postingan ini asmie pasti gak baca #maap & thank you at the very same time

        “Sometimes it’s okay to NO BE OKAY”…

      • Febriyan

        kok gak baca sih?

        sama kayak Mbak Elly gimana?

        agree that’s okay not to be okay sometime

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