
Sudah Optimalkah Smartphone Kamu

Ya sebenarnya sih bukan untuk teman saja sih. Pertanyaan sudah optimalkah smartphone kamu di atas sih lebih buat diri saya sendiri. Smartphone – ponsel pintar (apapun operating system yang diembed di dalamnya – Android ataupun iOS atau windows),


Blog Award

Another blog award from someone. Well, I don’t know why did I choose for this one, but hey…. for fun, why not? So this is my post for the challenge.


Tulislah… Just Write

Pernah merasakan bingung mau menulis apa? Boleh gak nulis ini apa mendingan jangan nulis ya? Saya pun merasakannya kok. Beberapa kali malah. Berikut ada tips dari mentor BEC soal ini yang saya coba share di sini.


A Very Rewarding Week of My Life

Weekly Photo Challenge, once again came up with a theme. Reward. What is reward for you, how you interpret it? This is my interpretation of reward. A really rewarding week for me. Want to know more?


[BR] Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I received an award from one of my blogger friends, Sandrine (owner of Sanwa Shop). She gave me a very inspiring blogger award. I am really honored with this award. I was considered inspiring by her. Aw San, thank you so much. This is my post for your award, but I am sorry, I didn’t continue this award to other bloggers, as required.


[BR] Award from a Friend – Liebster Award

A Liebster Award was given to me by Dani. After googling it, I know that this award was meant to welcoming new bloggers to the world of blogging, and actually Liebster in Germany is defined as dearest, sweetest, etc. Thus, in order to keep the good thing rolling, here is my post for the challenge given to me. Happy reading.


[BR] Hak Cipta Itu Penting

Saya sedang membaca reader saya seperti biasa di wordpress saat ada salah satu blog yang saya follow mereblog sebuah artikel tentang Right Clicking Image in Pinterest & Google, artikel menarik

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Never was… Never Will

Jika ada yang bilang kalau mengejar mimpi itu mudah, semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, apa yang kau pikirkan? Kemarin saya berkutat...

cicilan cara manage kartu kredit yang baik

Your Muse in Life

What is your muse in life? That is the challenge from Daily Post for last Friday’s Weekly Photo Challenge. Well,...

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Marah atau….

Marah atau….. Saya baru saja mengalami kejadian yang mungkin juga sering dialami oleh yang lain....

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