EF#25 – Break Fasting Together

kafe ten untuk bukber - tempat nongkrong seru di ciledug

EF#25 – Break Fasting Together

I don’t know what is the usual thing that you do in your country, but here, in Indonesia, during Ramadhan, we usually do break fasting together or some said Iftar together. And this is not limited to the Moslems only. All of us, no matter the religions are, do break fasting together. Is it needed? Why do we do it?

Indonesian people is known for their togetherness. One of the famous phrase is “Mangan Ora Mangan Sing Penting Kumpul.” Or in English is kind of like this: “The most important is the gathering, either we eat or not.” Perhaps, that is the main reason why Indonesian like to do break fasting together.

kafe ten tempat buka bersama yang asik
Layar hiburan Kafe Ten

Togetherness – that is one of the benefits people do it. Having a good time with people you love is wow… You can ask many people and I am pretty sure that many will answer that they want to meet up and talk with other people. The foods are not the priority. But connecting with other people – that’s one of the human basic’s instinct.

No matter who you are, either you are an extrovert or introvert, you have that one instinct, but in different level of it. To do some socializing is like one common needs for most human nowadays. They gather, talk, do some activities together or just sitting down, as long as they do socialize. That’s why the terms socialite is used commonly and even some might say:

If you don’t socialize, you will die.

But the sad thing is when people do gather and socialize, either for break fasting or not, nowadays, people tend to be caught up with their own phone. Like what Mbak Noni said earlier today on her blog comment, people now tend to communicate using their thumbs instead of their face to face talks.

Read also: Look Up

Thus, the break fasting together with other is one way to socialize and keep connected with them. And that is a good thing, as long as not becoming a thumb-talk. LoL. Well, the problem we are facing when we want to do iftar together (buka puasa bersama) here in Jakarta is the place.

I remember when I was going back from office, around 6 pm, I hardly found one single seat in a food court of malls or any other restaurants. Many already booked the place for their breakfasting event or they even already stand by on the spot since 5 pm. That’s the main problem we usually faced during Ramadhan. But two weeks ago, I found a place around Ciledug area. The name is Kafe Ten.

I wrote about it yesterday, you can read the Review of Kafe Ten, a place for break fasting together in Ciledug. I wrote it in Indonesian. Actually Kafe Ten is a one cozy place to visit in Ciledug area. The foods were amazing. Kind of spicy but made me want it more and more. 😀

So, what do you think about iftar together?

This post is submitted for English Friday Weekly Challenge from Blog English Club. This week theme is about Iftar Together.


  • During ramadhan I guess it is indeed the hardest time to get a seat in restaurants without a reservation. I like the ones which don’t allow any reservations beforhand.

      • Soalnya ruangannya kosong, sedangkan yg reservasi kadang suka seenaknya batalin juga. Kita yg udah bela-belain dateng malah gak kebagian. Jadi lebih enak kalo yg dateng yg dilayani aja sih menurutku.

      • Nah itu yang gak boleh tuh Nad. Dah book trs batalin gitu aja. Palagi tanpa konfirmasi lagi. Lbh baik di charge aja sih kalau kayak gt ya

      • Iya Mas, merugikan calon pembeli lainnya yg udah laperrrrr hehehe

      • Iya. Dan juga ngerugiin yang punya resto jg.

      • Iyaya, kehilangan pengunjung yg ga jadi makan dan yg pergi karena dikira full.

  • Kalau untuk menyelenggarakan acara buka puasa bersama saja saya harus mencari tempat sejauh Ciledug untuk teman-teman agaknya… ah saya menunggu undangan saja, belum bakat jadi organizer bukber *kemudian digampar karena muna banget :hehe :peace*.

    Setelah ini saya tak punya apa-apa lagi buat dikomentari terkait tulisan ini *kabur*.

    • Hahaha. Ya gak harus ke sana Gara. Kan yang mau aja ke sana.

      • Hmm… tapi berhubung saya suka makan, dibela-belain deh *gamparan makin keras* *kabuuuur*.

      • Huahahaha. Tetep ya Gar. Makanan nomor 1.

      • :hehe :peace.

      • Iya, sepi…

  • Mas Ryan, I agree, breakfasting seems to be a trend every year. People tend to use the moment to have reunions with friends & relatives.
    By the way, your header (burger) make my stomach kruyuk-kruyuk *lalu lihat jam *belum waktu buka puasa *eaaa

    • Hahaha. One more hour Tia. Is it one hour right?
      Reunions. Having chit chat while eating.

  • Vita

    baru nyadar kalau aku jarang ikut bukber di luar setelah ada EF challenge ini :p

    • Wahhh. Ayo bukber lagi kalau gitu

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