Many times in our life
we need to out of the box
crossing the line
the line that others made for us
the box that our mind set
Would you cross the line?
or would you just stay behind?
8 sec read
Many times in our life
we need to out of the box
crossing the line
the line that others made for us
the box that our mind set
Would you cross the line?
or would you just stay behind?
Thanks mas ryan for following my blog
salam kenal 🙂
salam kenal juga Mba Tetik…
lagi baca blog-nya mba nih…
baru satu dah – WoW-
Cross the line? I have to be careful to do that…
why is that?
line ladang line belalang, line lubuk line ikannya
nge-line yuk. line idnya apa
Itu kakinya ryan? 😀
kenapa bunda
hihi.. gpp Ryan.. cmn tanya aja.. 😛
kirain mau bilang gede kakiku. 😀
I do love cross the line, in fact I do it many times even within a day…
just simple : climb the tree, standing under the rain, or just say no to what I don’t want even it’s an order from my boss.. 😀
don’t say no to your boss too much Asmie… 😀 it’s dangerous…
doing things you said, what do you feel?
feel free and stupid at the same time 😀
sangat.. 😀
try one, or have you done any stupid thing? what is it?
many times…
there’s good and bad also. but i’ve learnt a lot by doing it.
Tergantung line-nya juga sih. Ada yang harus bisa dilintasi ada juga yang sebaiknya tidak dilintasi 😀
line yang apa yang dilintasi – line apa yang gak mas?
saya sependapat sama pk Chris nih … 😀
jadi line yang mana yg dilewati mana yang gak mas?
Yeah, think outside *no box required* 😛
no need box or circle or anything than bound us.
crossed the lakban item ya..
sebenernya sih line beneran mba. tapi kayak lakban item ya.
like lakban, eerr bukan toh.. whatever, out of the box depend to your mind..
maksudnya gimana mba?
out of the box depend to our mind…
let your mind unlimited.. mo dijabarin juga udah kaya postingan.. pokoke jangan batasi deh imaginasi..
boleh tuh dijabarin jadi satu post blog sendiri. hehehehe.
tapi setuju. jangan batasi pikiran…
I crossed the line once and is considering to do it again. 🙂
can you tell us the experience of crossing the line?
Hehehe. ga penting sih Mas, soalnya menyangkutnya kerjaan. 😛
gak da yg gak penting dalam hidup kita kan… setiap saat penting #tsah… *lama2 beneran jadi MT wannabe gw*
share dikit gpp
saya kutu loncat, maju terus membela bayaran lebih besar hehehe
Since comfort zone is killing you softly, so I’ve been crossing the line 7 times in 17 years.
feels good, indeed.
belum kutu loncat banget deh… 😀
saya kalau dihitung2 ada 7 kali dalam waktu kurang 10 tahun. hahahahaha. sampe-sampe temen tanya… nyari apaan sih lo???
itu kakimu ya ? jd inget postnya Asmie nih
baru baca postingan Asmie…
mirip ya. sama2 kaki. hihihi…
dah gitu tadi pagi juga upload kaki di pantai ke instagram…
jadi topic of the day adalah KAKI
wk wk wk… yap khan kita have something in common mas… [gak sengaja lho..]
KAKI is topic of the day… ha ha ha
hahahaha… beneran.
gak ngeh. pas dikomen mba El dan klepon baru deh… (tetep klepon)