Dad, how are you?

Dad, how are you?

Some of us might think that dad’s love is not as great as mom’s. But… actually, in his own way, he loves us equally.

with all his heart… but with things he can do to show it.

i miss my dad, he past away couple years ago, and like many others dad, he can’t show how much he loved me the way i want him to. But i know… he loved me so much.

in every act he did, he showed how much he loved me and my brother and sister. that’s just how he showed it.

have you said: ‘dad, i love you’ lately?


  • Lucky you mas ryan, was able to felt the love of your dad, be greatfull ya, and may rest in peace now, amin.. 😀

    • I do bless and grateful.
      Makasih ya Asmie.

    • *hugs*
      Maaf ya Mba. Jadi mengingatkan.

  • dari dulu sampe nanti Bapaku Idolaku…# pernah kuposting ceritaku ttg ini 🙂

    • postingannya yang mana? 😀

  • mostly, our dad express his love by his attitude and what has he done to his child.

    • agree…
      i believe that’s true…

  • A tribute to lovely Dad… 🙂
    – Dad is my forever idol –

    • wah… kenapa mas ayah mas jadi idola? pasti ada sesuatu

      • Ayah (alm) yg mengajari dan memberi teladan “how to respect people and how to survive” 🙂

      • wah…
        boleh tuh mas di share ke kita-kita wejangan ayah.

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