


Darkness at home
We never appriciate
The light until
It goes dark..


  • duniaely

    so true 😛

  • ha ha ha.. you’vet got me so right man.. 😀

    • really???
      tell me… please do tell me… how come?

      • Sometimes [or so many times].. I forget to feel what is the home in the real meaning, I got so bussy and going home it’s just for sleeping away after hard working days, and all of the sudden my mom got sick, she went to hospital all by her self, and my sister [not in the same home with me] mad at me.
        trully I’m so much regret about it, so now I’m trying my best not to forget the light of my home 😀

      • i’m sorry. don’t know idea about it. is your mom okay now?

        what is home for you Asmie?

      • She’s now [syukurlah 😀 ] #tq for asking#, home for me is a or many places [including person] that I could come back when I’ve done oddessay in many places, by anytime I see their smiles. How about you mas ryan what is home?

      • home…
        i’ll post about home one day… 😀

  • […] komen berbalas komen di sini, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini […]

  • […] komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini […]

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