As a member of Blog English Club (BEC), I have to make a post every Friday. This is the second post with a theme: “Wildest Dreams.”
The Free Dictionary by Farlex, say that wildest dreams are the things that you have imagined, expected, or hoped for. Hmm, let me think first, what are the things that I have imagined and hoped for. As I mentioned in the earlier post for English Friday, I think my wildest dreams would be published a book and becoming a speaker due to that book.
Then, start now Ryan *saying to myself*, you can’t publish anything if you don’t start now. It will be only a dreams. Well, hopefully, I will publish it this year.
By the way, please do fill up this box bellow with your link post, so we, admins, can have recap automatically. You need to send it only one time, either in this blog or other admin’s blog. Cheers!
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I am want to publish one book also. Three years ago, I start with Nulis Buku’s project. I think this post related with your previous post about Goal, Ryan. Hopefully we can reach our dream! 🙂
Yes mba. Same like previous one. Amin. What kind of book you want to publish mba?
Traveling books but not about the itenerary and the details on it. We’ll see 🙂
A friend of mine already publish her book. A travel one also. Taken from her blog.
We can do it mba!
the first step is always the hardest, mas..hahaha way to go!
Yes. The first step is the hardest.
Am I missing the post? Lol
Haha. Really?
I finally got it Ryan!! Had a brain freeze this morning. I am looking forward to your book. No delay anymore please….
I will mba.
Tumben pendek :D.
Haha. Yup. Pendek.
Keep trying, keep your faith on your dreams, someday those dreams will surely come true.
As the Japanese said, ganbatte kudasai! 😀
Amin. Thank you
hihihihi…you can do it bang.. *semangaaaat*
Thank you Des.
semoga segera terbit, mas
Amin mas. Butuh bimbingan darimu nih.
kalau di bukunulis kan sudah pernah kan?
kalau di penerbit major, baru sekali, dan belum ada lagi 😀
Ya mas. Eh kayaknya aku msh ada utang hasil wawancara yak. Hahahaha.
iya yah?
saya udah lupa 😀
Saya juga jadi lupa. Wawancara dg dirimu dah dipost blm ya?
seingat saya pernah disebutin dalam sebuah postingan terkait penerbitan. cuma bukan dalam postingan khusus. jadi saya pikir seh belum.
Nah itu. Kyknya msh utang yang itu. Hehehe
Semangat mas… You can do it.
you wildest dream is very wild for me, because i’m update blog so rarely. so i cant make a book
Well you can make a book from stratch Fer
You can do it, Bang.. Start to choose your genre of book and type it! Heheh.. 😀
Thank you Beby.
Wow, publish a book
I’ve been thinking about it too
Really? What kind of book Ardi? Mind to share it?
travel and photography around bogor (especially the “kabupaten” area), but needs more than effort, it also need great sponsor due to the very wide area that should be explored
Wow. Really nice theme. Hopefully can be realized soon enough.
[…] weekly Blog Challenge in Blog English Club (BEC), a community initiated by Mas Dani, Mba Nita, and Mas Ryan; mentored by the great ‘Grammar Nazi’ Mba Yoyen, Mba Mikan, Mba Eva, and Mba Nana. This […]
Terbitin buku dan jadi speakernya, itu dream that when we achieve will be something to be proud of. semangat mas..!!
Makasih ya.
Wow, that’s really cool, Mas Ryan. Being a writer is one of my dream, too. Need a high dose of energy injection so I can start it soon 😀
Yes it is
Aamiin. Would be the first in line 🙂 Btw, I have submitted the EF’s post for this week. My very first post for the challenge. Thanks for the initiative 🙂
Amin. Thx for your participation.
great mas Ryan, i hope it comes true soon!! I’ll wait for your book. cheerrss
Thank you Egi.
I think you are good in fictions.., hope you can publish the book soon
Really Mba? I was thinking to publish the nonfiction one. Feel still bad in fictions. Thank you for your support Mba.
What kind of book, sir??
TGFTD sir. You can read it on my post. I already made category for that.
Quick respon
Haha. I am at home now. So i can read and replied everything fast.
can’t wait to chase your book kakaaaak 🙂
Thank you Fieni.
i will be waiting for your book, mas Ryan.
So basically we have the same problem. Dreaming about our books to get published but don’t start doing anything necessary to make it happen. I would say aamiin for your dream 🙂
Amin for yours also.
Yep. Too lazy to start but wishing it to be come true
Semoga cepat kesampean ya mas ryan 😀
Thank you Shinta.
wish I could write a good blogpost in english too 🙂
Why can’t you? I am sure you can.
I have already written about it, please check it out
btw Ina, have you register? We use the form – i put it on my blog also.
yes I have
Ok, let me see that
[…] Ryan: […]
let me know if you finally publish your book 😉
what kind of book do you want to publish Mas? 😀
Hahaa. A TGFTD book Dan.
Ah, we have things in common ya mas. I’ll wait your book !
Sama2. Hahaha. Ditunggu juga.
Apa join? Haha
Kalo aku sebatas mimpi aja deh mas… *pesimpis
Wah. Janganlah gitu. Ayo. Semangat.