#EF4 – I Want It All

#EF4 – I Want It All

This sort of thing is good
I wish I could do it
That sort of dream, this sort of dream, I have many of them but

All of them, all of them, all of them
He grants my dreams
He grants my dreams with a mysterious pocket
I want to fly freely in the sky

Above is a song lyric of Doraemon cartoon. Okay… I know it’s seems so different from what we use to listened. But, that’s what I got from Google (you can read it here). That song is playing in my mind, still, when I wrote this post. I mean, who doesn’t know Doraemon and its opening song?

Doraemon cartoon is one of many cartoons that I watched when I was a kid. And it is one of my favorites because Doraemon has so many tools that made my jaw drop and drool for wanting all those tools. The first tool, of course, is Doraemon-Episode-26-English-Dubbedthe “Bamboo Propeller”. Owh… I wished I had that so I can fly anywhere I want, no need to apply any Visa and no passport required. LoL.

Other tools that made me droll a lot are the “Magic Door” and “Magic Ring”. The concept of those tools are simple. They can take you anywhere you want. So I can go anywhere at any time. If I was late waking up, I just need to think about my office and BAMMM. When I open the door, I will be at my office.

Yes. Those things made me drooling continuously. Well, actually all Doraemon’s tool make me drooling uncontrollably. I want them all. But now, I have to choose one only for the challenge. So, do you know what I choose? The tool that I really want from Doraemon? None other than… “tool to create rooms”. I don’t remember the tool name, but I remembered one of the comics telling this tool.

One day, Nobita was upset because his mom always nagging him to do homework. He can’t do what he love to do, sleeping. Then, turns out that Suneo, Giant, Sizuka also had the same problem with their parents. They asked Doraemon for help. And Doraemon gave this tool, which can create a room, an underground room. So, they created rooms for themselves, each had one room.

Why do I want this tool now? Because, I feel that Indonesia, Jakarta in particular, is facing a shortage of land to developed. Yes, we are in this crisis. See how expensive those houses, apartments, lands in Jakarta. Wow… It is sky-rocketed for the past years.

Thus, if I have this tool, I will use it to create underground rooms for everyone. Especially for those who don’t have any place to live now. At least, everyone will have a shelter to keep them warm or protect them from rain. And of course, I want a room for myself, where I can decor it however I like.


This post is for English Friday Challenge from BEC. Week 4 everyone…. Yay. The idea of this challenge was from Joice. She said what if we do INVENTION. Well, we, Admins, thought that after the stressful challenge (EF#3), we want to make a fun challenge. So, what is a better one than Doraemon to show that invention is fun.

By the way, I want to confess here, while we are talking about cartoon. I like cartoon very much, including Sailormoon and Glass Mask. And actually, the first manga I read was Popcorn – a ladies manga.

NB: for all BEC’s members and EF’s participant, don’t forget to submit your post’s link. And please click on the Rule Page for more information about this challenge.


  • Krisis lahan di jakarta ya mas, haha that will be a very useful tool for us

    • Iya mba Tane. Sekarang lahan dah mulai dikit. Harganya jadi naik. Harga properti meningkat terus. Makin banyak juga homeless di Jakarta.

      Yep. It is a very useful tool Mba. Is it possible to make it real though, that’s the real question. LoL

  • Klo mas terbang ke mana aja tanpa visa ntr bsa d tembak loh. Cocoklah ya jd suneo 😀

    • Are you sure De? Am I Suneo?
      Banyak yang manggil aku itu Doraemon (panggilan di kantor sebelum ini Dora – antara Dora the explorer atau doraemon sih LoL) atau Giant karna badan gede suara jelek. hahahaha.

      Btw… Jakarta already?

      • O iya giant mas. Haha lupa udh lama nda nonton ini film

      • Pasti gara2 bangunnya kesiangan mulu.

      • Huaaa enak aja. Udh d jkt ni :p

      • Sudah di tempat yang kemarin itu?

      • Moga cocok De.

    • Siap… dibooking dulu ya.
      Nanti saya kirimkan invoice-nya *finance accounting bener sih*

      • hahaha buseeet dah jadi juragan properti

      • hahahahaha. Belum. Tapi amin untuk doanya Tik.

      • amiiiiin… nanti traktir aku apartemen yee. hehehe

      • hahahaha. traktirannya gak kuat euy

      • kan traktirannya raja properti 😀

    • Thank you Nad.
      It’s one of my dreams. But need lot of money to make it true. I mean… my heart always saddened when I saw those homeless people. What can I do to help, that’s what always on my mind.

      • Ya, mas, especially when I watch tv program like orang pinggiran, and so on. I always feel sad, not because their lackness, but because I can’t do anything to make them feel better.

      • Yes Nad, but I don’t watch those kind of program, coz I feel that TV program nowadays is “LEBAY”. They “utilized” those people to increase the viewer.
        I remembered the second challenge, Egi (if I’m not mistaken) said one of her dreams is to build a school for the homeless kids. I really want to join that.

      • Well, yes, sadly it could be used by the media. I also don’t like that program, but sometimes I can’t help to watch when my assisstant watch it haha.
        Really? that’s great. All i know so far is Yayasan Pemimpin Anak Bangsa (YPAB) by Andri Rizki, ever heard about that?

      • I never heard on that, Nad. Any link?

      • You can check this: http://www.ypab.org/ypab/

        And I think you should know its founder, too, Andri Rizki Putra, by reading his book “Orang Jujur Tidak Sekolah”. It is really good. I have some words about it in my blog if you need the description 🙂

      • I will check it out Nad. Thank you for the info.

  • aku mau pintu ajaib, mas ryan.. biar ga sesak menahan rindu 😀 *balada ldm* 😀 😀

    • LDM? Long Distance Married ya Mba? Wah berapa jauh nih.
      Gak usah pintu ajaib mba. Cincin ke mana saja. Di set ke tempat misua. Gimana?

  • Aku inget nih episode ini haha.. 😀

    • Yes… untungnya masih ada yang ingat. Kemarin nulis agak takut pada gak ngeh yang ini.

      • Inget 🙂 ini beberapa kali diulang seingetku 🙂

      • Iya. Walau gak sesering baling2 bambu dan pintu ke mana saja. hahaha

      • Haha

  • alatnya dijual laku ini… lebih mahal dari harga properti yg ada skrg… haha

    • Hahahaha. Jangan gitu dong Mbah. Kasian mereka nanti. Mahal juga.

      • Mbah… tega kau. 😛

  • Ira

    glass mask –> topeng kaca?
    komik yang sampai sekarang belum tamat-tamat 😆

    • Yes Ira. You are correct. Still waiting the final chapter. But I don’t think there will be one. The writer is already passed away, right?

      • Ira

        yes mas Ryan…but the manga is still on going maybe another mangaka continue it

      • Hopefully it congruent with the previous one.

        Which character do you Like Ira? I love Maya.

      • Ira

        I love Maya too mas Ryan. I also love Masumi and interesting to see how it is going between them 😀

      • Hahaha. I more into Maya. She’s so good when do acting.

      • Ira

        selalu dapet gitu ya mas Ryan aktingnya 😀

      • Iya. Kayak org lain. Paling seru pas dia jadi Helen Keller.

  • It’s okay if we guys read shojo manga, as long as we found its’ stories are good. My favorite manga is also a shojo one :haha
    Jakarta’s underground is full with old tunnels. Maybe if you’ve found a way to make rooms underground, can I borrow that tool, to discover these old tunnels? :hihi

    • Hahaha. You read it also Gara? Which one is your favorite?
      Yes… that is also another intention of mine. I want to look the tunnel around Kota Tua. hahaha. Maybe I can find some treasure, like written in Tasaro’s book.

      • Sometimes, but for now I seldom read it. Too busy 🙂
        Agree, some treasures won’t do any bad 🙂

      • Let’s do some treasure hunt Gara. How bout that?

      • Ay ay, Captain! Count me in!

      • Hahahaha

  • Aaaw. What a noble cause Ryan.. If I were you I will rent the rooms with some margin but interesting enough for the office workers to resist. Wkwkwkwkw.

    • Hahaha. Margins come first ya Dan?

      • Sure do! 🙂

      • Tapi kalau gw seperti itu, apa bedanya gw sama para kapitalis yang meraup untung besar, tanpa peduli nasib orang lain dong Dan *sok idealis*

  • Emang krezihhhh tanah di jakarta..tinggal dipinggiran aja blom tentu bisa beli tanah or rumah. Hsrga naek tiap hari senin. Hahahaha

    Pesen atu ya bang, rumah undergroundnya. Tetanggan juga boleh kok. Hahaha

    • Siap Jo…. *jitak Jo gara2 manggil bang – lagi agak sensi gara2 Dani manggil gw mas padahal tahun lahir sama*

      Iya… ini juga tinggal di pinggiran… wew… untungnya dulu “dipaksa” sama kakak2 dan mama untuk beli. Kalau gak. Gak kebayang gimana deh Jo.

      • Hahahaha *biar gue berasa muda*

        Embyerrrr gue dan suami pun babak belur utk bisa beli rumah. Maksaaaa semaksa2nya. Krna makin ditunda makin gila harganya.

      • Gw pernah main di SMS. Ngobrol sama engko2 yang punya warung di foodcourtnya. Dia cerita soal beli rumah di sana. Dalam waktu 1 tahun, harga rumah dia naik 200%. Gila… gak kebayang banget.

        Eh tapi rumah gw naiknya kayak siput. hahahaha. dah sekian lama bahkan 50% aja gak. 😛

      • Percaya Ryan. Nah, rumah kami belom ditempati aja naiknya dah 50 persen.gilingan dah.

      • Wah.. kalau ada duit lebih buat inves di sana bagus dong prospeknya ya.

  • Underground living space would help a lot of people and I learned a fun fact about you – you manga fan!

    • LoL… I am Mba…
      I used to borrow one series from a friend, never buy at all. Now, I am still following Conan. :d

      • That’s my motto Ryan when it comes to manga. I like Conan and I used to follow City Hunter, LOL!! It was hilarious.

      • Wew. City Hunter. Drooling on those sexy women.

      • LOL. Not the women Ryan, the humor!!! 😛

      • Well. For me is the women. Hahaha.

      • Can’t blame you brother…can’t blame you at all hahaha

      • LoL

  • keren yah… rumahnya di bawah tanah. tapi kalau di jakarta cocok nggak yah? soalnya yang di bangun di atas tanah aja kebanjiran, mas 😀

    • *tepok jidat* iya juga ya mas. Gak kepikir ke sana. Kalau gitu saya cari di mana ya

  • Tapi serem jg ah kalo rumahnya di bawah tanah gitu, takut tetangganya cacing semua 😀

    Trus udah gitu tar gak bisa liat cahaya matahari…tar setiap saat musti pake lampu, jadi boros energi dong 😛

    • Soal cacing… kita pelur kok mba. hehehe. nah soal matahari itu… *bentar ya mba… saya minta alatnya Doraemon lagi….

      • Oke, kabarin ya kalo udah ada alatnya. Lumayan tuh kalo ada alat yang bisa bantu buat menghemat lahan dan energi sekaligus tanpa usaha penghematan yang ribet…hehe…

      • yang seperti apa nih Mba contohnya.

  • kenapa ga tingkat aja mas shelternya? eh tapi jadi kaya rumah susun ya

    • Iya. Kalau tingkat jadi rusun. Trs nanti minta subsidi pemerintah en ujungnya dibeli sama yang berduit semua buat investasi.

  • Malah jadi ingat sama film harry potter, yang bisa nemu ruang kebutuhan di sekolah 😀

    • Oooo. Ruang itu ya. Mau juga sih mba.

  • I want the tool to changemy room become a fancy hotel room with a view 🙂 and I dont want to go anywhere

    • Just laying on my bed. *sing

  • What a thoughtful idea mas Ryan! Btw kalau diliat dari bacaannya sepertinya kita seumuran.. *pede* hahaha

    • Thank you Mba Ola.

      Benarkah? Saya th 82. Mba?

      • Eh tnyata sy lebih muda hehehe. Sy 87 mas *peace* 😀

      • Mas Ryan terlanjur ngebocorin tahun 😀 huahahahaa
        Glass Mask itu Topeng Kaca yaaa?

      • Iya nih. Jd banyak tahu yang msh di bawah. Tapi blognya dah pada canggih2 *jadi malu*

        Iya Tia. Topeng Kaca

      • Aish. *tutup muka* jadi berasa tua.

  • Aku jugak mau semua, Baaaang.. 😀 *congok*

    • hahahaha… maruk ya kita. 😀

  • aku ingin begini.. aku ingin begitu.. ingin ini ingin itu banyak sekaliiiii!!!

    • Semua semua semua harus dikabulkan. Dg kantong ajaib. *giant langsung nyanyi*

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