red on chinese new year mean and grand itc permata hijau
English Post

Let’s Talk About Red on Chinese New Year

Red is for…. fortune, at least that what the color means on Chinese culture, especially on Chinese New Year. Why do we have to use red on Chinese New Year, and what is the fortune mean? What is the red, fortune, Chinese New year and Grand ITC Permata Hijau have in common?

upgrading version of you
English Post

16.2 – This is About Upgrading Version of Yourself

Another post for Blog English Club Challenge – this time I want to talk and share about how to upgrading version of us in life. Upgrading version like an apps is a must do thing, IMHO – what do you think?

sharing is caring
English Post

Word 2016: Sharing

Another weekly challenge from Blog English Club (, what is your 2016 word. Mine is Sharing. For me, sharing would be the focus word for this year, and hopefully for the rest of my life. Because sharing is caring and wouldn’t make you less. What is your 2016 word? Join us at BEC’s Challenge.

what do you want for christmas wishes
English Post

What Do You Want For Christmas

December already… wow. Year gone by fast, now we are already in December. The Holiday season, Christmas and New Year is coming to town. Many would say what do you

ten years from now - what would you be
English Post

[EF#33] What Would You Be Ten Years From Now

Ten Years From Now – what would you be? That is today’s English Friday Challenge from Blog English Club. Inspired from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the author taking

habits that could change the world
English Post

Drink More Water

#GerakanMinumAirPutih is a hastag made two days ago on my twitter account and this was because of Wien. Well, actually this was due to my previous post about “Pentingnya Kesehatan/Health

english post on blog febriyan lukito - review tips inspirasi
English Post

Undervalued Or Overvalued

Hello, hello, after last week I skipped the English Friday, today I want to post an answer for BEC’s – EF#31 Challenge – Undervalued or Overvalued. This challenge is about

Artikel 7 Habits


amarah… Siapapun pasti pernah mengalaminya. Yang jadi masalah bukanlah amarah itu sendiri tapi bagaimana menghadapinya. Bagaimana menjadikan amarah menjadi positive....


“Lebih baik kita DIAM daripada mengucapkan kata-kata yang tanpa MAKNA dan MANFAAT.” – Pythagoraz –  Apakah memang berbicara itu suatu...


Dalam hitungan detik.. Otak kita berpikir dan mengolah informasi yang kita peroleh dengan tujuan menghasilkan sebuah keputusan… Keputusan yang tentunya...

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Bener gak nih??? Bagi yang #jleb ada baiknya berpikir ulang termasuk saya sih. Hahahaha. #repath...

Is It my Time???

Enggak tahu kenapa hari ini tuh kepikiran hal-hal aneh yang sebenarnya gak boleh terlalu jadi...

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