How to write in English for Indonesian
English Post

How to Write in English

If you read my last week post about my pledge to write in English every Fridays, you can find so many mistakes there. That is not a good thing to

membuat tujuan hidup - goal setting, goal should be smart
English Post

[EF#17] What Do You Want To Do

What do you want to do in your life? We are often asked by people ever since we were kids. And back then, many of us would said many things

English Post

English Friday is Here

Okay, starting today, I want to make Fridays as an English Friday for my blog, whether it is a post for Blog English Club Challenges or not. I feel that

What we can learn from story
English Post

[EF#16] What We Can Learn From Story

When I was a kid, I didn’t get a chance to hear my mother reading me a fairy tale, she had to work for us. But that didn’t stop me

English Post

[EF#15] How Game Change Through Time

If we talk about game, especially for kids, we can see how game change through time to time. Game world is evolving due to improvement in technology and it has

English Post

Father’s Love Video – Did You Ever Lie

I was browsing through youtube to kill some thing that consumed me inside when I found this video. Still about a father. Father’s love video. Please prepare tissue if you are

[EF#14] Things I (We) Learn From A Cartoon Character

Another Friday means another English Friday Challenge from BEC. This week is about favorite cartoon character. I choose to post about things learn from Chinmi – Kung Fu Boy Manga. What would that be and what is yours?

English Post

[EF#13] What is Your Chosen Sport

What is your sport, asked BEC this week for the weekly challenge. Do you do sport? Or you are like me? Hardly exercise? I am not saying that my way is good but this is who I am for now. Next? Who knows. 😀 Read it more here.

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Rugi Ah…

“saya rugi ah kalau seperti itu… lebih baik saya gak lakukan” Dalam kehidupan pekerjaan ini, akan banyak hal yang terjadi...

Manusia itu… ANEH

You’re so blessed.. i just wanna be like you. Thin  No.. the blessed one is you…    Yah.. judulnya jangan...

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