how to choose a public transport in jakarta indonesia
English Post

[EF#12] Public Transport in Jakarta

How do you travel? Using public transportation or your own? How about in Jakarta? Here are tips to choose the public transport in Jakarta.

EF#11 – I Am Who I Am

What is your #OOTD? This week challenge from BEC is about it. What is #OOTD and what is your #OOTD? Mine is about what make me comfortable enough when I wear them. I

English Post

#EF10 – Indonesian Foods Are…. Priceless

This week challenge from BEC is about Indonesian Food. Which one is your favorite? I love Indonesian Food, it is bit difficult to choose, but then I’ve made up my mind. You want to know what is it? Check it here.

English Post

EF#9 – Lonesome Blogger Network

By being bloggers, we are connected in virtue world, no matter where we are. This really big world seems to be so small in this blogging world. But, real life is real life. Having a meet up with bloggers can teach us some things, maybe more than that we received when we connected in blog world. What is the meet up means for me, as blogger?


A Very Rewarding Week of My Life

Weekly Photo Challenge, once again came up with a theme. Reward. What is reward for you, how you interpret it? This is my interpretation of reward. A really rewarding week for me. Want to know more?

English Post

EF#8 – Hey You…. Yes You

If you have a chance to write a letter to younger you, let say 10 years ago, what would you write? This is the challenge of this week from BEC, want to know what I wrote? Or maybe wants to join the challenge? Read here for detail.

EF#7 – Who Are We

Jumat kembali dengan tantangan English Friday dari BEC. Kali ini kita diminta mengambil foto di sekitar kita (outdoor) dan menceritakan foto itu. Kali ini menulis tentang apa? Fiksikah? Baca di sini ya.

English Post

EF#6 – Blind Justice

Alter ego is a second self, which is believed to be distinct to the original personality. This week theme is hard. And finally, I wrote a fiction instead. Do you want to read it?


EF#5 – BEC and Blogging

Everyone or everything has effects on others, directly or indirectly. Blog English Club is also effecting me in such way, especially for my blogging style. Want to know what is the effect? Read it here.

Artikel 7 Habits


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Dalam hidup, menyamakan sebuah komunitas/kelompok dalam satu tipe tertentu (stereotipe) sangat sering dilakukan, baik secara sadar ataupun tidak. Pengelompokkan ini...

Never was… Never Will

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