Everyone is Equal

Everyone is Equal

You… Me.. Him… Her… Them…
It is just an attribute to identify
But we are all actually same. We are human being. That should be equal.

Do you believe that we are equal? Why?

Have you an experience that you are treated unequal by other? How did you feel?

Do you want others to feel what you felt on that moment?

Like i said in the previous post, that nothing last forever, we are all gonna end up in same place. Death.


And when it come. He, you, me, she, etc is no matter anymore. You are just a person who died. Who have finish the journey of life.

So why we, consciously or unconsciously, treat others un-equal?



  • Everyone is Number One. *ups, itu lagu ya. 😀

    • Hahaha. Kalau ada yang sebut lagu itu kok berasa lagi ngomong sama agent asuransi ya

      • Asuransi yg itu ya? 😀


      • Hahahaha. Iya. Yang itu.

      • Oo. Biasalah itu. Hahaha

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