How you start your day?

This picture is about ‘Apel Pagi’ or Morning Meeting to start a day in one of the company in Indonesia. The workers gather around and pray together to start the

Let’s Make Out

the sun meet his lover… they make love and share their love into the sky… the beautiful golden sky child of their love…

Innocent Face

A child face is so refreshing, innocent. Seeing them just make me feel alive. This is my neighbor. His name is Kevin. What’s came into your mind the first time


‘Cause baby, you’re a firework Come on, show ‘em what you’re worth Make ‘em go, oh, oh, oh As you shoot across the sky i love this song.. coz i

All you can see is…

Still from the family holiday at Bali (Sept 2012). I love beach. i really do. this is one of the beach i went to.. Dreamland at Bali. And all i

My Mom is SuperWoman

I believe many will think the same with me when they’re talking about their mom.. and you know what? That’s the truth about mom. They are SUPER… They can be

We’re Just a KID

in every grownup there’s always a kid soul inside. This is my sister, big sister. she is the oldest in the family. but, when we went to Bali, she’s like

Destination… Unknown

We are all in this trip called LIFE. Our destination is known as DEATH but when… nobody knows. but is it the reason to say… i’ll live my life as

Be the LIGHT

it’s dark out there. don’t know where to go don’t know what to do be the light to light my way and i’ll be ok Don’t curse the darkness. but

Artikel 7 Habits


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210212 – Artikel – PD

210212 – Artikel – PD PD adalah Percaya Dukun, eh salah Percaya Diri. Masalah PD ini pasti banyak yang sering...


Hidup ini diberikan oleh Yang Kuasa kepada kita untuk dinikmati dan diisi dengan segala kebahagiaan. Siapa yang ga setuju? Kita...

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Fun Fun Fun

Let’s have some fun like a kid, let’s play in this life Fun… fun… fun…...

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