One Step at A Time

Just like crossing the bridge We’re need to go one step at a time… but, finally we will get to the other side of the bridge That’s learning for me


This week a word a week challenge is: Face. The picture was taken back in September 2012 at the Barong Dance Show at Bali. Barong Dance itself is a well known

Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

This week challenge is about Escape… about the need to unplug and shut off from our daily routines. For me… escape is about where i can be who i am,

food photography

Food Photography

Dalam dunia perfotografian, ada istilah food photography, sebuah jalur khusus dalam fotografi yang menampilkan makanan sebagai objek dengan tujuan tertentu (sumber: Wiki). Mau tahu lebih dan teknik terkait, bisa klik


Father and Mother, I Love You itu sih kepanjangan FAMILY yang pernah saya dapatkan. Tapi… Family gak sebatas Father and Mother Kakak dan adik juga keluarga kita kan Foto ini

Delman Istimewa

Pada hari minggu kuturut ayah ke kota naik delman istimewa kududuk di muka Masih inget lagu ini gak? Saya gak afal semuanya. 😀 Ada yang bisa lanjutin? Lagu anak-anak apa

Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern

This week challenge is about Pattern. hmm.. let’s see what do i have in my albums about pattern… Hope you can enjoy these collections, of course they all from Indonesia…


when we’re kids, we used to play play and play world is simple for us to see but… growing up, the world seems to be…. what words to describe it.

Where are you going?

Where are you going now? straight ahead.. or are you gonna take the U turn having the past to redo all over again or just… keep moving forward it’s your

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Rugi Ah…

“saya rugi ah kalau seperti itu… lebih baik saya gak lakukan” Dalam kehidupan pekerjaan ini, akan banyak hal yang terjadi...

Manusia itu… ANEH

You’re so blessed.. i just wanna be like you. Thin  No.. the blessed one is you…    Yah.. judulnya jangan...

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EF#5 – BEC and Blogging

Everyone or everything has effects on others, directly or indirectly. Blog English Club is also...


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