Crossing the Line

Many times in our life we need to out of the box crossing the line the line that others made for us the box that our mind set Would you

Here (2)

I was there… waving to you that already on the rain leaving me behind I was here waiting… for you to comeback to bring back the smile every hello has

Weekly Photo Challenge: Up

Whoa… it’s an UP challenge… Let’s see what’s UP for me.. All the picture are taken at September 2012 – Family Vacation at Bali, Indonesia… So proud to be INDONESIAN

It Never Was…

If you want the road of your life to be just fine and straight… here’s the fact… it never was and never will be but that’s the beauty of it..


Darkness at home We never appriciate The light until It goes dark..

On my Father’s

I love seeing a kid being held by his/her father How it shows the love of the father We often forget that father’s love does exist Father always shows his

Weekly Photo Challenge: Color

Gak tahu sih terlambat atau gak untuk ikutan photo challenge-nya. Tapi ya gpp ah. yang penting ikutannya aja.    


Ask this to yourself…  Where are you now?  Do you happy with where you stand now? Do you have any regrets?

Dry Rose

This is a dry rose… someone that matters for me gave me this – about 4 years ago. I still keep it coz like i said, it’s from someone that

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

210212 – Artikel – PD

210212 – Artikel – PD PD adalah Percaya Dukun, eh salah Percaya Diri. Masalah PD ini pasti banyak yang sering...

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  It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater to...

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