Things that make you HAPPY

Things that make you HAPPY

I’ve read about this on the
Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya – by Ajahn Brahmn.

Sadly, the truth is, almost everyone of us do this. “I will be happy IF…”
let’s say, if I have a job.
Then, after graduation, we’re hired in a company. Are you HAPPY?
Nope. Cos, now I’ll say: ‘I will be happy if i have bigger salary’
And so on…

How many time would you spend to reliving the same circle again and again?

In these post (that I’ve reblogged from Lijiun), you will see so many beautiful things to be grateful for. These pictures are some of many more things in our life to be happy for.
So… What makes you HAPPY?
Search within you… what it is. And don’t forget to share it in my comment box.
Have a great Friday all.


  • I’d be happy if I can reply all comments and comment on all blog post at once. Hihihi. Maruk ya? 😀

    • hahahaha…
      kalau ada aplikasi kayak gitu seru juga ya.

  • be happy now and here. because happiness is a choice.

    • right… totally agree.

  • Some people would think about a condition that need to happen or is expected to happen to be happy. To me, being happy is when you feel enough of everything. I don’t need new stuff to make me happy since they’re temporary. I don’t think I should list what I could do to get a happiness. Of course, I’m not saying that I never wish for anything to make me happy. But I don’t put it as something necessary to do. Perhaps you would want to have some stuffs, but don’t make it like an obsession. We can be happy for something we already have, can’t we?

    • sure we can. that’s the key to being happy.
      grateful for what we already have now.

  • Dalemmm… Kita memang sering menargetkan sesuatu untuk bisa bahagia, jadinya malah lupa menikmati hidup. Padahal kalo kata om Mario teguh *halah* bahagia itu kalo bisa makan enak, tidur enak, hmm…satu lagi saya lupa 😀

    • apa tuh yang satu lagi.

      • nah, itu dia lupa x))

      • Yahhh

  • I’m now happy, cause I can still blogging and comentting to others blog, it is a simple thing but have a great effect to me, so guys let’s having happy blogging ya… 🙂

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