I was there…
waving to you that already on the rain
leaving me behind
I was here
waiting… for you to comeback
to bring back the smile
every hello has it’s goodbye
this is my hello goodbye
#random post
8 sec read
I was there…
waving to you that already on the rain
leaving me behind
I was here
waiting… for you to comeback
to bring back the smile
every hello has it’s goodbye
this is my hello goodbye
#random post
sekarang kita boleh pisah. Tapi tenang saja pak Ryan. kalau bapak Muslim, insya Alloh kita akan bertemu semua orang yang kita sayangi di surga. ayah yang kita cintai tapi telah meninggal, saudara-saudara yang pergi jauh, teman-teman yang meupakan kita, semua akan dapat kita temui di surga.
amin. makasih mas atas doanya…
suatu saat semua kan kembali berkumpul dalam satu naungan nan indah.
Mau CLBK ya? Eh
gak kok…
i was there standing for so long to wait you for asking the hole back heart that u pushed away
Duh! Ai kenot spik boso ngingris. Ken komenlah.:D *pusing kan*
*ngakak guling2*
when she’s yours she shall coming back to you 😀 no need to worry
there’s she goes again… *nyanyi gak nyambung* 😀
lha ya itu atuh bang, kok terus gak nyambung ya? he he he
Where was it ?
it’s at Gambir Station…
kaya kenal stasiun nya ternyata gambir hehehe
dah kenalan ya?