I will be ON TOP

I will be ON TOP

I will be ON TOP

one day…
i’ll on top where others look up
and say…
i wanna be just like that person…

it’s just my interpretation about the picture.
what’s yours?


    • wow…
      safe you from???

      • from my sins

      • wow…
        sins… how many?
        everyone has their sins, but never run away from them… IMHO

      • from you………….

      • hua…
        saya ini penjahat ya? sampai harus safe gitu. :d

  • I want to change the world!!

    • what kind of world do you have in mind?

      • world of the truth 🙂

      • i see…
        could it be a great world to live in?

  • Mine : the statue said “look there is something interesting ups there.. !!”
    he he he 😀

    • what is it?
      it’s a bird?
      it’s a airplane?
      it’s a…. Asmie

      • yes it’s me…
        oolaaa where have you been? 😀

      • hahahahaha…
        i was hiding in the cave

    • thank you… 😀

  • for me it looks like an artist digging for inspirations from ‘heaven’… :}

    • wow…
      jadi apa inspirasi yang didapat nih

      • inspirasinya adalah dia dapat memasang sayap pada setiap hal supaya datang padanya kapanpun dia butuh ide. #eaaakk #ngartist 😀

      • hahaha… hastek ngartis baru baca kali ini.
        flying without wings?

  • look at the blue sky!

    • nice….
      thank you *menengok ke langit*

      • awal ujan mas…jgn kelamaan liat kelangitnya hehe

      • hahaha. tapi dah lama gak ujan2an. kayaknya enak tuh. 😀

    • kirain saya yg seksi.

  • Alifianto

    see the sun…

    • nice…
      see the sun to feel it warmth?

  • for some reason, it’s seems like he’s giving a middle finger to someone or something.. ahahaha.. Mungkin abis dipup-in burung, jadi doi kesel gitu ya… 😛

    • hahahaha… bisa jadi ya. 😀
      baru perhatiin loh.

  • there are times when I would close my eyes and dreaming of being elsewhere..

    • and where would that be?

      • of course maybe you know better than me…

      • hmmm…
        where would that be…

  • hang your expectation up as high as the sky

    • agree…
      btw mas… menurut mas seksi gak?

  • Barusan baca comment-nya Mbak Ely dan Ceritaeka, jadi balik perhatikan lagi fotonya. Ternyata memang bempernya kelihatan seksi yah 😆

    • hahahaha. iya yah? gak ngeh loh mas. 🙂

    • memang patung Hermes kok. di Fatahilah.

      • Waaaah,, betul berarti.. Saya suka duduk-duduk di sekitarnya. Adem 😀 😀

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