KISS – Silhouette

KISS – Silhouette

KISS - Silhouette

Too bad the weekly photo challenge: kiss is over. I just found this picture in my vacation folder.

Like i said in some of my posts, I love Sunset or Sunrise. so i asked my big brother to take this picture using my Canon EOS 1000D.
And I love it. Thanks bro…

If someone asked you: who would you kiss if today is your last day… who would that be?


  • I would kiss my husband and thank him for the glorious ride!

    • so sweet…

    • Mba Ely masa cuma 🙂 aja.

      Sent from my BlackBerry® via Smartfren EVDO Network

  • utie89

    *berpikir keras*

    • jangan keras2…

    • *hugs*
      kok jadi nangis Bunda?

      • terbawa emosi… kangen ibu.. 🙂

      • wahhh… maaf bunda. bikin sedih bunda

      • eh… gak kok!! hehe

    • wahhh…
      ibu lagi nih yang dicium

      • habis ibu baru bapak,, hehe, wanita emng istimewa sih 😀

      • gitu ya… apa perlu ganti kelamin nih biar dicium sama anaknya kelak? :d

      • haha gak gitu juga kalii :D, kalo saya sih, udah gede, agak malu kalo nyium bapak jadi seringnya sama ibu aja 😀

      • hahahaha. gitu ya? memangnya malu kenapa?

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