If someone ask me, what is the famous culinary treats from Solo, I would say the one and only thing I know. Surabi Solo. LoL. Yes, I am Indonesian, and I am really ashamed to admit that I didn’t really know the traditional cuisines from my country, especially Solo. But last week, I was invited by Dapur Solo Ny. Swan to experienced the culinary treats from Solo. Btw, this is my first English Culinary Review.
Gelar Cita Rasa Solo (GCRS) From Dapur Solo Ny. Swan
Placed on one of the Dapur Solo’s restaurants, Sunter – North Jakarta, Gelar Cita Rasa Solo – Solo’s Taste Event (GCRS) 2015 was the third events. The concept of GCRS was from Ny. Swan, owner of Dapur Solo. She want to introduce Javanese Culture, especially the culinary world. By the way, check out Dapur Solo’s Instagram account for more.

There were 30 booths that sold traditional Javanese food, such as Brambang Asem, Es Dawet, Wedang Ronde, Petis Tahu, and many more. There were also booths which sold hand-crafted items. When I came on Sunday, the last day of the event, I wasn’t able to see the traditional dance. But there was a Batik workshop there, where you can learn how to make Indonesian traditional Batik. And I saw a group of young women who did Batik traditionally.
I really love the idea of the event itself. The owner, Ny. Swan, really cares about Javanese Culture and really want to introduce it through a playful playground. She wants to take action, directly, in the way she can. And perhaps, influencing other culinary business owner to do the same or maybe the government also to take action in supporting traditional cuisines – Indonesian traditional foods.
Culinary Treats From Solo

Well, it wasn’t only Solo traditional food in this event, I found Kerak Telor – Betawi or Jakarta’s traditional culinary. There were also Kue Cubit (I don’t know where this one came from though), the most famous traditional cake – if you may say – these days.
Read also: Kue Pancong – High Class Traditional Indonesian Food?
I was (or am) really happy attending this event with one of the famous blogger (all the pictures on this post are his). I was able to taste each of the traditional food, the culinary treats from Solo, especially is like a dream come true. I’ve never been to Solo at all and don’t know much about the culture moreover the culinary treats from Solo.
So, without further a do, let me show the treats from Solo… these are only few of them. There are many others, and if we talk about Indonesia, from the west to the east, you can really find so many traditional treats that will make your mouth watery.

Traditional Food Is…
Well, even though I don’t know much about the traditional food and how to make it, I really love eating them. And one thing for sure after attending this event, Culinary Treats from Solo, I really hope many will like Ny. Swan. Engaging more time to introduce Indonesia and its great culture (including its culinary) to the world. And I probably made many mistakes writing this post, but hey, I tried, didn’t I?
waah…jadi kangen solo, dag lama sekali ga berkunjung ke sana..
Asli sanakah???
Makanan tradisional itu selalu enak. Tempo hari mau kesana tapi hujan terus. Ternyata ko Ryan kesanaaa 🙁
Ah coba ke sana Wien. Meet up gak lgs deh. Sama si bli juga tuh kmrn. Hehe
I love traditional food.. jd kangen pulkam, kliatan enak2 😀
Akhir tahun ini gak pulang Nia?
Bu swan emang benar2 kreatif. Dari dapur solo sunter skrg berkembang menjadi beberapa cabang. Aku lumayan sering kesini karena dekat kantor.
Setuju, masakan tradisional kita beragam dan kaya akan rasa.
Wahhh ke sana gak pernah ngajak2 nih Lina. Hehehe.
Kita tidak bertemuuu…
Beda hariii
Wiiihhhh banyaakk yang di cobaa 😀
Hehehehe. Masih kurang mbak. Yang di dapur solonya belum. Hehe
Enyak, enyak… tapi pedes.
Iyah, saya jadi nambah pengalaman soal kuliner makanan Solo dari acara ini :hehe. Ternyata makanan khas Solo itu tidak seperti stigma saya tentang makanan dari Jawa Tengah bagian selatan pada umumnya. Rasa-rasa makanan dari sana ternyata sangat kaya, kekayaan kuliner yang menurut saya agak dilupakan sih :hehe.
Ayo Mas, kalau ada undangan makan lagi jangan lupa ajak-ajak saya ya! :haha.
Hahahaha. Siap. Nanti dicolek lagi. Eh jadi makan di dapur solonya gak?
Sama. Kirain mah cuma itu doang makanannya dan manis. Hehehe *gakmakansambeltpkeringetan*
Soalnya aku ada acara hehehehe
Iya nih. Super sibuk dirimu. Hahaha