Life Worth

Life Worth

This video is actually an insurance commercial advertisement.
I notice that this insurance company have made many ads that very good. They create a very touching story in each ads.

And this particular one, the woman shows us what is life really worth for.

Life worth is:
– not a wealthy life
– nor a long life
– life that worth for us
– that worth for others also

What is yours life meaning?


  • nice post to share, makasih

  • agree ajalah sama kesimpulan di atas 😀

    • Ah masa agree doang mas.

  • intinya hidup ini sangat berharga untuk kita? life that worth for us, jangan pernah sia-siakan hidup ini

    salam kenal

    • Iya. Salam kenal jg. Makasih dah mampir ya.

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