To be honest, I am not reading as many as before. Recently, my appetite for reading a (physical) book is drowning, need some rescues. But, this particular challenge from Blog English Club is something I don’t want to miss out. I have some Indonesian Writers that I think you should read.
These my favorite Indonesian writers are unique in their own ways. Each of them has some special characteristic that signify their own style of writing. And like them, we, bloggers also need to find our own unique voices. Be yourself on your writings, don’t just copy paste of others. People love reading blogs for their own voices.
Indonesian Writers That You Should Pay Attention to and Read Their Books
In this post, I also gonna mention some oldies Indonesian writers as they were my favorite during my high school. I hope you know them also – and here you might know exactly how old I am. Hahaha.
1. Mira W
Yes, Mira W – a doctor and also a famous Indonesian author. I was reading her books at early stages of my life. Which actually I shouldn’t do that. But I really love reading books back then and she was one of my favorites. She always put a doctor as her books’ main character.
She still writes until this day. And one thing I can learn from her is that:
[Tweet “Write what you really love and knows”]
I remembered that many Indonesian series was based on her books. One of them was using Bahasa Kalbu (Titi Dj) song as its original soundtrack.
Read also: Book Reviews by Febriyan Lukito
2. Marga T
Same as Mira W, she also a famous Indonesian writers during my childhood. She wrote many books and some of them was already made into movie. One of my favorite is Badai Pasti Berlalu. The movie itself directed by Teguh Karya. And then made into TV Series also.
And this particular one also famous with OST sang by Chrisye. Her writings also have signatures. She usually wrote a love story with a background of Christian family, doctors and also Chinese-Indonesian life.
3. Dewi Lestari
She is one of my favorite Indonesian writers, the current ones. She was known previously as a singer. Then she focused on writings. I read her Filosofi Kopi and instantly fell in love with her stories. She already wrote so many books, such as the famous Supernova Series.
I really love reading her books. Especially those short stories like Filosofi Kopi, Madre and Rectoverso. Her writings, in my opinion, were a spiritual journey of herself. She takes us to a journey to find who we really are. I remember one of her short stories about lighthouse.
It was really take me to another level when I read it. And when it comes to Supernova Series, she already began her writing maps since 15 years ago. Each books were designed with a vision how it gonna be before even she started. Just like 7 Habits – Begin with the end of mind.
[Tweet “Plan it, visualize it and do it… this is what I learned from @deelestari “]
Many Other
Of course, there are many other Indonesian writers that really good and really recommended to read their books. But for now, I share my top 3 Indonesian Female Writers. Many recommend Pramoedya Ananta or Eka Kurniawan (whom considered as the Next Pram).
But I can’t put them here for now since I haven’t read any of their books. I have one of Eka’s books here. Nik give it to me to read but I haven’t read it at all. Sorry Nik. And there are many other Indonesian writers, I am sure, that qualified as the best authors. So, please do share, your favorite Indonesian writers. You can write it on the comment or just make the post for BEC Challenge also.
Lhooo kok selera kita samaaaa?
Punya berapa buku Mira W.? Aku punya 29 bukuuuu
Mau cari-cari yang lainnya tapi kok ya nggak nemu 😐
Mau dong mbak bukunya. Pinjem maksudnya. 😀
Masih ngiri ketika dirimu bisa ketemu Mira W langsung. Hiks…
tere liye kak
I love Marga T much! Ceritanya itu ada benang merah antara satu buku dan buku lainnya. Gemesin juga. Mira W juga suka bacanya, roman yang ringan dan mengalir.
Dee apalagi, lengkaaap semua koleksi novelnya sampai dvd perahu kertas pun hihihihi
*toss selera sama nih
Lainnya suka Andrea Hirata, tone tulisannya khas sumatra banget, sukak. Dan lainnya kebanyakan aku suka yang penulis roman hahahah 😀 macam Windry Ramadhani, Sitta Karina, Dewi Sekar, Retni SB.
Sitta Karina blm pernah baca bukunya nih. Mungkin kapan-kapan bisa baca. Andrea Hirata akunya cm punya 3 buku pertama. habis itu blas. Ndak baca lagi. 😀
Marga T itu superb banget. Walau tebel (padahal masih SMP n SMA) baca setebel itu mah lanjut aja…
Lupa ih sama Pram juga suka, jatuh cinta sama Gadis Pantai.
Buya Hamka sama Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijk. Dih aku kok lupa pengarang Perempuan Jogja yang ternyata bapaknya Mbak Olenka >.<
Aduhhh… bukannya lupa Pram tapi emang blm baca jadi gak cantum mbak. 😀
Nah yang terakhir itu siapa namanya?
Kalo aku suka Tere Liye dan yes, Dee Lestari. Ada beberapa teman penulis yang selalu aku baca karya-karyanya.
Tereliye dah mulai bosan sayanya mbak. Dulu sih suka banget. apalagi sebelum dia terkenal dg nama itu.
Dewi Lestari, Leila S.Chudori, Laksmi Pamuntjak, Windyariestanti, Andrea Hirata, Sapardi Djoko Damono, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Ayu Utami, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Eka Kurniawan, dll (masih banyak banget daftarnya haha) aku koleksi buku2 dari penulis2 yg kusebutkan tadi. Belajar menulis baik karena sering baca buku2 mereka.
Huaaa banyak banget Den. Ayu Utami dan Djenar juga suka tapi suka berat ngebaca tulisan mereka. Apa diriku aja yang emang kurang kali ya… 😀
I never read any of Marga T or Mira W’s books. Yes, I’m too now less in reading. Several favourite authors of mine include Ahmad Tohari, Dee, Triyanto Triwikromo, Nh Dini, Joko Pinurbo (poems), Iwan Setyawan…. Iki really need to read more books, ?
high fived. I love Iwan Setyawan books also – especially Ibuk
Dewi Lestarii dong ya
Dee mah tetep ya harus
omg Mira W n Marga T itu bukannya jaman kita kecil dulu ya? Aku sering liat di kios2 majalah jaman aku dulu beli komik2 gitu :p
Hihi. Iya. Makanya bilangnya kl gw kecepetan bacanya. Msh SMP dah baca gituan. Haha
You need to read Eka Yan. Definitely. Haha
Di antara 5 penulis yang disebutkan, hanya pernah membaca (sebagian) karya Pram di Menggelinding 1, tapi belum tamat-tamat sampai sekarang. 😀
Untuk Marga T, hanya lihat namanya pas berkunjung ke perpus kota atau pasar loak yang menjual buku2 lama, tapi sampai sekarang belum baca karya-karyanya >_<
Btw, gaya nulisnya Eka Kurniawan sama kayak Pram kah?
I still love Ayu Utami. 🙂 Meskipun ngga semua novel tebal saya suka, saya bisa menikmati beberapa bukunya yang ngga harus konsentrasi banget buat mengimajinasikan maksud dan idenya juga ngga terlalu ‘dalem’ buat saya. 🙂
Marga T? Saya suka bukunya yang lumayan ringan, Pandemi Gengsi. Belum pernah baca novel cintanya.
Saya suka novel Indonesia yang gaya bahasanya enak, dan kata2nya (sebagian kecil) memuat bahasa Indonesia yang cuma ditemukan di kamus. Yang keinggris-inggrisan asal ngga terlalu ngepop dan ceritanya ngalir dgn bagus ya, ok.
Wahhh mantep dah mbak Murni. Sanggup baca Ayu Utami. Itu tulisan dia emang terlalu dalem banget deh kl utk ukuran otak saya.
Pandemi Gengsi? Hmmm… aku blm tahu yg ini