These are My First Time Moments, What’s yours?

my first time

These are My First Time Moments, What’s yours?

Latest challenge from BEC is to share my first time moments. I believe we all have many first time stories in our life. First time we walk, first time we went to school, first time we worked, and many more. All those first time memories are our precious moments.

Moments that we won’t forget, even when those moments were bad ones. I, myself have several first time memories that I want to share here today.

My First Time Moments

I won’t share my first time walking or talking. I don’t remember any of those. I only remember how my mother used to tell me those first time moments. But there are some moments that I do remember:

1. First Time Went to School

I was a shy boy. Do you believe if I said so? Well, I was (am) shy boy. The first time I went to school, kindergarten – to be precise, my mother accompanied me the whole day. And I didn’t let go my mother’s hands along the day. My teachers laughed and asked me to let go eventually.

During my early elementary school days, I was still holding my mother’s hands. Until one day, my teacher said that I really need to let go of her. I forgot what made me letting her hands go, but yes, after that, I didn’t do it anymore.

[Tweet “Fist time memory of my school days was about me and my mother”]

2. Went to Work

I was taking vocational high school so that I can work immediately after I graduated. My first office was on Kuningan Area. My salary was about 400.000 Rupiahs. My job description?

Well, mostly do checking on reports. The first day working was like most of other offices, I met Human Resource Department. Signing some paper works and then introduced to all employees. I was working for 6 months only there. Afterwards, I was working at Texas Fried Chicken for 6 months, then taking my scholarship at BCA.

3. First Time Flight

Call me Katro… my first time flight was on 2006, 10 years ago. I was flying to Denpasar for business matter with a colleague. That was also my first time to Bali. I was taking Garuda. Smooth take off and landing, but…

I was hold in the air due to traffic at the airport for about 30 minutes. I was afraid. Luckily, that was the only moments I have for circling the air.

Read also: Terminal 3 Soetta – The New Airport

4. My First (and last?) Working Abroad

Since that Bali’s flight, I had several local flights, and yes, mostly to Bali. I really love Bali. I never been flying abroad until 2013. My first international flight. I was taking Garuda (again) to KLIA and then change using KLM flights to Paris.

Transit for a while and continued to Monrovia, Liberia. My first time working abroad was at Liberia. I was worried at that time. None other due to my friends’ saying about my future boss there. As soon as I touched down Monrovia, my boss sent me to farms for duty. Sigh…

hosting termurah di indonesia

But after that… you can say I won my boss’ heart. He trust me to do most of the jobs and we were quite close. I went back to Jakarta because of the Ebola. I was (and still am) grateful that I went to Liberia. Because I learnt how beautiful Indonesia is.

Read also: Reasons to love Indonesia

5. Job Reviews

Now… talking about blogging related matters. My first time doing job review was due to of Dani. He introduced me and BEC’s admins to how to monetizing your blog. I wrote about how to purchase online ticketing.

[Tweet “Thank you @danirachmat for my first JobReview”]

After that? Well, after waiting for quite some time, I had several job reviews or paid reviews now and then. The last first time I had related to blogging was: my first $100 from Adsense. I used Dani’s Adsense Account several months ago. And last week, I received my first payment.

Read also: Arisan Mapan Posts

[button-red url=”” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Kerjasama Adsense dengan Dani Rachmat… Untung bro![/button-red]

Many other First Time

That not mentioned here. 😀 Such as my first love, my first time date, and others. Perhaps one day I will share about them. Do you want me to share them? What is your first time moment?


  • Your first moment at school is similiar with mine. I also was a shy girl in that moment. I prefer choose wrote many words than spoke. But, now I can speak many words when I talk to my children, hehehe.

    • Wow.. how did you turn your way back mbak Ety? I am still shy, especially when I meet someone new.

  • Jadi kapan kita makan pete dengan $100 itu? *ngespamdulu* 😀

    • Buaahahahahaha… dah habis Wien. maklum pengacara jadi BU banget

  • I want to read your story about your first date, pleaseeeee. Hihihi

  • Mostly the first time moments are unforgettable. ^^

  • Uaaa… mau dong ke Liberia… tapi kalau Ebola ceyem jugaaak. Baru lihat fotonya Mas Ryan. Kebayangku masih muda lho, hahaha

    • Huaaaa. Mbak Unaaa. Aku mah dah tua mbak. Dah pikunan. Hihi

      Ebola emang serem sih. Apa kabar mbak? Lama gak keliatan

  • Aaak jadi tau lagi hal-hal tentang Ryan dari post ini 😀
    Btw iya itu yg terbang muter2 krn antri mendarat atau krn cuaca.. heuh… skr kalo bisa diliat pake flight tracker atau semacamnya bs keliatan lho mbulet2 ruwet gt…

    • Semakin banyak ya bu Vita… pesawatnya jadi pada makin mbulet gitu kan…

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