Pretending – Song Lyrics by Glee

Pretending – Song Lyrics by Glee

Face to face and heart to heart
We’re so close yet so far apart
I close my eyes I look away
That’s just because I’m not okay
But I hold on I stay strong
Wondering if we still belong

Will we ever say the words we’re feeling
Deep down underneath it
Tear down all the walls
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending
We will always be pretending

How long do I fantasize
Make believe that it’s still alive
Imagine that I am good enough
If we can choose the ones we love
But I hold on I stay strong
Wondering if we still belong

Will we ever say the words we’re feeling
Deep down underneath it
Tear down all the walls
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending

Will we (oh oh) always (oh oh) be keeping secrets safe
Every move we make
Seems like nowhere’s safe to go
And it’s such a shame
Cuz if you feel the same
How am I supposed to know

Will we ever say the words we’re feeling
Deep down underneath it
Tear down all the walls
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending
Will we (oh oh) always (oh oh) be pretending Be humble, be human, be YOU!

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