Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition ~ Abraham Lincoln
I got that quote above from FinestQuotes through my email. Yes. I really love reading quotes. And subscribing web like this one or AllFamousQuotes is one way for me to read it constantly. Not all quotes are suitable in present condition, especially my own condition. But there are times where the quotes hit me right in here (Indonesian way: sakitnya tuh di sini -jleb maknyes). For example is the quote above.
Why is that quote hit me?
Because, I am also looking for some recognition in what I am doing in life. And I believe I am not alone in this. We are at least looking for that “Thank You”, “You are so good at it”, etc, etc. Yes. That’s human. It is already in our nature to have some recognition of what we do in life (and reject any criticism), so be human please. Eits… Wait a minute.
It is true we are looking for recognition but it wouldn’t be given just like that. You have to earn it. Remember that. Earn what recognition you want. Sadly, though, many think that they are should be recognized just by doing a thing or two, or even not doing anything.
Do you know Helen Keller? She’s a famous American author back then. She’s recognized for what she had done in her life. Do you know why? She was blind but that didn’t stop her to do more and more. The first time I read about her was in Topeng Kaca Manga Series. And I felt in love with HK instantly. I looked for more information about her online and she amazed me more and more.

She was persistent in doing what she want. She didn’t give up to her physical conditions that limit her sight. She kept going with all her spirit to be better. Can you imagine being blind around the year 1880 or early 1900? She was born in 1880 with an illness that made her blind and also deaf. When her teacher came to her house, she was described as wild young woman but look how she remembered now. Can you imagine her attitude to strive more and more (with her teacher also) and ended up recognized by all over the world as an inspiring woman.
That is the spirit that I rarely seen nowadays. I don’t know whether that’s only me or not. Many looks for that recognition just by being them – doing nothing to achieve some things worth enough to be recognized. I know many also doing things that are worth for some recognition but there are groups of people who feel and do the opposite and still wanting to be recognized.
For example, in my mind, is if you are in love in writings, just write. Spread your writings. Even if now, no one read it, eventually, if you do it frequently, some one will notice and it would ended up recognize. Just like what a blogger friend said: “Blog what you love and love what you blog”, by doing this, he is recognized as one of influenced blogger (at least in my eyes, he is).
Things I learnt about recognition (and how to be recognized by others) are:
1. Do it with love
Yes… this is the first secret to be recognized by other. Do things with your love. Let your love be your energy and you will find that your battery wouldn’t dried up easily. You will have more and more things to write, to do, to share. And like I said before, even if they didn’t recognize you at the beginning, just do it. Because you do it with your love and for your love to the world.
2. Do it to helps others

Do it for others. Come on, we are not living in this world on our own right? There are many people around you. Do things that can help others. Help them grow together with you. With your love to the world as I mentioned in point number 1 above, you can help other to be better, to strive their best. By doing things to help others, you can find another source of energy. Your battery will keep going on and on and on.
3. Never giving up
I know that life isn’t easy. Life is difficult. There will be bumping along the road, like my friend wrote on his travelling business trip. You will see those bumpy road ahead, but the question is would you keep going on or stop? Never ever giving up. That’s for sure. Learn from all those problems we are facing in this life and keep going on doing the things you love that help others.
4. Repeat 123
Just remember to repeat those 3 points above, every time you feel like giving up.
So, do you want to be recognized but not doing anything to get it?
I love this post. It’s very inspiring. Thanks for sharing Ryan.
Thank you Grant.
So have you got any experience about it Grant?
So many experience about recognition. Sometimes, the words “why are they didn’t recognize me after I did that?” goes to my mind. And it made me feel sad and disappointed. Then, I asked myself why I did that, “Is that to get recognition from others?” My friend gave me advice that I still remember now, “Just do it. Don’t expect too much. Do the best you can.”
Ah nice advice from your friend Grant. Really. Agree with it. It suited me also. Thank you for sharing it here.
You’re welcome Ryan.
Nice one Yan!
Thank you Mba.
Any experience on this Mbak?
Banyaaaak tapi menurutku yaa saying thank you is a very basic manner. Bukan dari point of view doer ato si pemberi jasa tapi dari sisi penerima. It’s so basic that I am often sad klo notice ada orang yang masih pelit bilang thank you. I don’t know to me it’s about being appreciative and courteous.
Agree. Saying thank you is the least we can do. It doesn’t cost you a thing.
How to make people realize it Mbak?
I say thank you to them even if they are the ones who are supposed to say that hahaha…sometimes people need a little bit of nudging on the manner part 😛
Hahaha. I see. Sometimes I did that also. But still they are not noticing it.
I know! Some people are just awful!
that is true Ryan, we all need recognition
I think I see your progress in writing than you used to be, you now write more thoroughly, ini yang harus lebih kupelajari lebih lagi
Really Mbak? Your comment made me blush.
Yes Mba. We are all need recognition. And some times that’s all what we think about when doing things.
ya iyalah kan udah ngikutin blog ini waktu nulisnya masih pendek/ seperti tulisanku
Makasih Mbak.
lakukan sesuatu… pasti akan ada orang yang melilhat
Iya mas. Gak usah mikirin dl dilihat apa gaknya n
Itu. superr sekali mas Ryan! Thanks for sharing
Thank you Ola. Aku malu dah kalau dikomen kayak gini.
Ah, what a nice and inspiring post, Mas. Totally agree. Thank you for sharing. And don’t forget to be grateful for everything we’ve gotten too, if I may add :hehe, because it will surely make our steps feel lighter. And I don’t want to have any regret and heavy footprints, so… let’s just continue to spread some positivity, for others, and for ourselves, too :)).
Today, in social media era, ‘being recognized’ is what modern human seek. We just want fame, oh shame on me.
So true. No problem also if I may say just don’t depend on it
I think the best way to earn recognition is to put down the desire to be recognized. In that way someone can be free from burden, and able to perform better.
Ah. So true. Really well said Mas. Thank you for the enlightenment.
You’re welcome 🙂