kuis belajar bahasa inggris

Kuis Belajar Bahasa Inggris bareng BEC

Sudah pada kenal sama BEC dong? Kalau belum kayaknya kelewatan deh. Udah sering banget dibahas di sini loh. BEC itu adalah wadah untuk belajar bahasa Inggris – diutamakan untuk blogger

English Post

EF#8 – Hey You…. Yes You

If you have a chance to write a letter to younger you, let say 10 years ago, what would you write? This is the challenge of this week from BEC, want to know what I wrote? Or maybe wants to join the challenge? Read here for detail.

English Post

#EF4 – I Want It All

Another English Friday Challenge from Blog English Club. Today’s theme is about tools you want from Doraemon. What’s mine? And if you were asked the same question, what would you choose?

utk hapus

Update Apa Aja

Kali ini saya hanya mau menulis mengenai beberapa update yang ada, entah dalam blog ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari saya sendiri. Kenapa? Ya pengen aja sih. Boleh kan ya? Kalau gak

English Post

EF#2 – Wildest Dream of Mine

As a member of Blog English Club (BEC), I have to make a post every Friday. This is the second post with a theme: “Wildest Dreams.” The Free Dictionary by Farlex,

English Post

BEC Update

Setiap tempat memiliki aturan yang berbeda. Demikian juga BEC. Kami memilki aturan tersendiri. Apa saja? Dan berminat ikutan Blog English Club? Cara daftar di sini.

EF – One Word for 2015

As I mentioned before, every Friday is going to be the Blog English Club post. And today’s theme is about one word that describes the 2015 according to me. So…

English Post

Blog English Club Is Here

If you want to know why this Club form, you can check this post or Mas Dani’s post here. As mentioned in my previous post, today me, Mas Dani and

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...


Dalam hidup, menyamakan sebuah komunitas/kelompok dalam satu tipe tertentu (stereotipe) sangat sering dilakukan, baik secara sadar ataupun tidak. Pengelompokkan ini...

Dear Takita

Wah Takita… makasih ya sudah kirim suratnya untuk saya. Mimpi Takita bagus sekali… Kalau di setiap rumah terdengar tawa anak-anak...

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Someone tells me…. If something goes wrong… Remember. 2 days more and u are gone....

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