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Playful Time

No matter the age, people love to play… In the picture are my mom and sister playing on the beach… 🙂 just sitting on the beach at first.. but then

All you can see is…

Still from the family holiday at Bali (Sept 2012). I love beach. i really do. this is one of the beach i went to.. Dreamland at Bali. And all i

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

The Power of the Words

You CAN!!! The power is within YOU… See how the power of the words to this man… and imagine how...


Dalam hidup, menyamakan sebuah komunitas/kelompok dalam satu tipe tertentu (stereotipe) sangat sering dilakukan, baik secara sadar ataupun tidak. Pengelompokkan ini...

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Menjemput Impian…

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.” ~ Jonathon Winters Boleh...

Sun Rises

The sun rises every day. Harapan akan selalu ada jika kita selalu melihatnya. Jangan pernah...

Quote Ajahn Brahm

Good morning people… – at Comium’s Expats Inn View on Path

Dear Papa – Review

Berikut surat saya untuk ayah terkait review Dear Papa di blog satunya. Dear Papa, Dulu…...

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