EF Challenge
If I ask you what is the most desirable food you like for breakfasting during Ramadhan, what would your answer be? Kolak? Kurma? Or... I forgot who said this, but I still remember it. “The best holiday ever is not about where to, but whom with.” And I... Wheww really long title, huh? Inspired by the movie How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. Hahahaha. How to have holiday under $10 in... Another Friday means another English Friday Challenge from BEC. This week is about favorite cartoon character. I choose to post about things learn... What is your sport, asked BEC this week for the weekly challenge. Do you do sport? Or you are like me? Hardly exercise? I... If you have a chance to write a letter to younger you, let say 10 years ago, what would you write? This is the...