indonesian writers or female authors
English Post

Indonesian Writers You Need to Read

To be honest, I am not reading as many as before. Recently, my appetite for reading a (physical) book is drowning, need some rescues. But, this particular challenge from Blog

blogging social media and honesty

Blogging, Social Media And Honesty

What is our responsible in sharing information on our blogs? Our social media accounts? Do we have to be honest? This is blogging, social media and honesty in my opinions.

how to managing your online presence

3 Things You Need To Know About Managing Your Online Presence

Use your name for your social media IDs, use your name for domains, those are kind of your online presence from some senior bloggers. This post? This is about how to managing your online presence ala Febriyan Lukito, what I do and what you should know about it.

sharing is caring
English Post

Word 2016: Sharing

Another weekly challenge from Blog English Club (, what is your 2016 word. Mine is Sharing. For me, sharing would be the focus word for this year, and hopefully for the rest of my life. Because sharing is caring and wouldn’t make you less. What is your 2016 word? Join us at BEC’s Challenge.

english post on blog febriyan lukito - review tips inspirasi
English Post

Undervalued Or Overvalued

Hello, hello, after last week I skipped the English Friday, today I want to post an answer for BEC’s – EF#31 Challenge – Undervalued or Overvalued. This challenge is about

one thing that
English Post

Things About One Thing That…

Last night, my mind suddenly went wild and this thought came out as the result. It was random thought about many one thing that exist in my life. Either things

English Post

[EF#13] What is Your Chosen Sport

What is your sport, asked BEC this week for the weekly challenge. Do you do sport? Or you are like me? Hardly exercise? I am not saying that my way is good but this is who I am for now. Next? Who knows. 😀 Read it more here.

how to choose a public transport in jakarta indonesia
English Post

[EF#12] Public Transport in Jakarta

How do you travel? Using public transportation or your own? How about in Jakarta? Here are tips to choose the public transport in Jakarta.

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Dear Takita

Wah Takita… makasih ya sudah kirim suratnya untuk saya. Mimpi Takita bagus sekali… Kalau di setiap rumah terdengar tawa anak-anak...

Tanaman Kehidupan

Mama saya suka sekali menanam, apalagi sekarang-sekarang ini, saat dia sudah tak bekerja. Menanam di halaman rumah menjadi semacam kegiatan...

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Building Bridge

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Pembelajaran Tak Langsung

Kita ini di dunia tak sendiri. Tak bisa melakukan segalanya sendiri. Karena itu perlu belajar...


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