Prambanan temple.. the most beautiful Hindu Temple.

Beautifully captured and written… Prambanan… one of our (Indonesian) culture. Many said that Indonesia is beautiful. But many Indonesian would say: ‘I love travelling out of this country’ Sad… while

Holiday’s Pictures

These are some of the pictures i took during last Ramadhan holiday. I was asked to photograph a friend – but then another one also asked me, so there i

hdiup itu menanjak

Hidup Itu Menanjak

naik… naik ke puncak gunung tinggi-tinggi sekali…  Siapa yang tak kenal lagu itu (kalau anda orang Indonesia pasti kenal). Lagu anak-anak yang mungkin sudah mulai memudar tapi saya masih ingat

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh

This week challenge is about FRESH. Some of the challenge posts: other post you can see here  

Weekly Photo Challenge: Golden Moment

I love beach… and the best thing about beach is… they have the best of sunset or sunrise… This week challenge is about Golden Hour,  the first and last hour of

Peace Man…

after having all the hard work we all need some refreshing taking some time alone or together just taking some peaceful mind peaceful life

Hormat Grak!!!

Dia rela berkorban dia berikan semua untuk kemerdekaan dia yang kini hanyalah sebatas nama dan cerita dia pahlawan kita ryan 250613 0919 Tahukah siapa yang di foto ini? Kisahnya? Pahlawan…

Artikel 7 Habits


“Lebih baik kita DIAM daripada mengucapkan kata-kata yang tanpa MAKNA dan MANFAAT.” – Pythagoraz –  Apakah memang berbicara itu suatu...


amarah… Siapapun pasti pernah mengalaminya. Yang jadi masalah bukanlah amarah itu sendiri tapi bagaimana menghadapinya. Bagaimana menjadikan amarah menjadi positive....


You have everything in you that you will ever need to achieve something great. Very very few will believe in...

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To Become Success

consistent and persistent. that’s what it takes to be success. Setiap orang berhak atas kesuksesan...

bakti sosial di cengkareng

Bakti Sosial di Cengkareng

Duh, jangan pada bete ya kalau saya sering post soal ini. Bakti sosial. Sebelumnya saya...

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