Less is More (Masterchef Junior US)

Do you remember Abby? Yep… one of the contestants in Masterchef US season 2 that I wrote before. You can read it here. She’s in semifinal last week. And in

Everyone is Equal

You… Me.. Him… Her… Them… It is just an attribute to identify But we are all actually same. We are human being. That should be equal. Do you believe that

Nothing is Forever

Everything is temporary your breath, your life your time, your work one day… it will all gone Suddenly I am thinking that i put as quote above. In my religion


  It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater to accept it graciously. ~ Logan Pearsall Smith   Advice… Who need advice? Apparently all of

In A Rush

As always, Starworld showed the re-run of some favorite TV show. One of them, that i watched this morning is Masterchef US Season 5. Today show was the semifinal. Showdown

Inspirasi Hidup

Act of Kindness

no act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted Dapat kutipan di atas dari salah satu Display Picture di BBM. Langsung… Kena di hati *kenanya di sini* Bukan maksud

Born, Live and Die

Good morning Jakarta. Lets have a great day – at Plaza BII Tower 2 View on Path Tadi pagi berjalan dari Thamrin Kav 1 ke kantor… dan dikarenakan sedang adanya


If i could REACH… Higher!!! Do you know what song i mentioned? I love that song. It gives me hopes to cope and stand when i was down. So… Friends.

International Language

No need to learn English….  Siapa sih yang mau belajar bahasa asing apalagi kalau ujung-ujungnya gak digunakan. Bagi sebagian besar orang, belajar bahasa di luar Mother Tounge menjadi momok. Enggan sekali rasanya

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Rugi Ah…

“saya rugi ah kalau seperti itu… lebih baik saya gak lakukan” Dalam kehidupan pekerjaan ini, akan banyak hal yang terjadi...

Manusia itu… ANEH

You’re so blessed.. i just wanna be like you. Thin  No.. the blessed one is you…    Yah.. judulnya jangan...

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Act of Kindness

no act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted Dapat kutipan di atas dari...

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Belanja Akhir Tahun!!!

Bulan Desember, artinya tahun sudah akan berakhir sebentar lagi. Artinya juga mall-mall penuh dengan hiasan...

End It BIG

Glee, serial yang mengetengahkan kisah tak biasa, kumpulan anak tidak populer mengejar mimpi mereka. Kini...

“No one can mak…

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt, This is...

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