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Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves

This week challenge is curves… so here it goes. As usual, for those who want to join this challenge just click the link above. The rules are simple. You just

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting

This week challenge is about FLEETING, Fleeting may also make you think of movement and change. I took these pictures around Jakarta at night… well, actually it’s only around Bundaran Hotel Indonesia,

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Sign Says

And the sign says: …. some of cool sign post: 1. http://inigobautista.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/weekly-photo-challenge-the-sign-says-2 2. http://betigaklaten.wordpress.com/2013/06/01/weekly-photo-challenge-the-sign-says 3. http://bambangpriantono.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/weekly-photo-challenge-the-sign-says-papan-tanda-berkata/  

Weekly Photo Challenge: Who? What?

This week photo challenge is about someone in the background. It’s not someone behind things but… well.. it’s in the background right?

Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

This week challenge is about Escape… about the need to unplug and shut off from our daily routines. For me… escape is about where i can be who i am,

Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern

This week challenge is about Pattern. hmm.. let’s see what do i have in my albums about pattern… Hope you can enjoy these collections, of course they all from Indonesia…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Culture

Culture, is about everything we have as a human. And Bali, has the various culture i love here in Indonesia… here are some…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Up

Whoa… it’s an UP challenge… Let’s see what’s UP for me.. All the picture are taken at September 2012 – Family Vacation at Bali, Indonesia… So proud to be INDONESIAN

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Manusia itu… ANEH

You’re so blessed.. i just wanna be like you. Thin  No.. the blessed one is you…    Yah.. judulnya jangan...

Rugi Ah…

“saya rugi ah kalau seperti itu… lebih baik saya gak lakukan” Dalam kehidupan pekerjaan ini, akan banyak hal yang terjadi...

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Tahun Baru

Tahun Baru datang… segalanya menjadi baru kembali. Tapi… yang terpenting adalah Semangat Hidup Baru Setiap...


Pernahkah melihat sebuah batu karang hancur oleh tetesan air? Kerasnya batu karang sering digunakan untuk...

Hari Ke-4 Belajar Bersama

Yup. Pada saat post ini kalian baca artinya sudah hari ke-4 saya dan keluarga belajar...

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