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Weekly Photo Challenge: Color

Gak tahu sih terlambat atau gak untuk ikutan photo challenge-nya. Tapi ya gpp ah. yang penting ikutannya aja.    

Weekly Photo Challenge: Action

Action… This week photo challenge is ACTION How do you interpret an ACTION into pictures. well… these are mine…  

Weekly Photo Challenge: Lost in Details

Actually i don’t know what these plants called in English. in Indonesia we called it LUMUT. They are found in the rock at Bluepoint Beach, Bali, Indonesia. Can’t imagine what

motivation of the week forward

Motivation of the Week: Forward

Forward…. Forward is about being the best I can be in this life…No matter how hard life is, we have to keep moving forward, to be better us. Not necessarily

Artikel 7 Habits


Dalam komen berbalas komen di About Darkness, saya menjanjikan Asmie akan memposting tulisan tentang Home menurut saya. Sebenarnya tulisan ini...

Manusia itu… ANEH

You’re so blessed.. i just wanna be like you. Thin  No.. the blessed one is you…    Yah.. judulnya jangan...

Rugi Ah…

“saya rugi ah kalau seperti itu… lebih baik saya gak lakukan” Dalam kehidupan pekerjaan ini, akan banyak hal yang terjadi...

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Gak sayang yah tuh duit??? Berapa sering mendengar pertanyaan di atas kepada dirimu saat ingin...

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