Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

The Blue Sky

5 sec read

The Blue Sky

the sky is the limit…

if the sky is the limit, why are we on the ground
walking around…
why don’t we fly and catch the sky

Febriyan Writing about life and anything that happen in life is one of my to do things. That's the reason blog Blog Review, Tips & Inspirasi by Febriyan Lukito born. Now I also admins for: Tempat Nongkrong Seru Pikiran Random Tulisan Blogger Indonesia

Jakarta Membiru

27 sec read

Just.. SHINE

Know the song? Just before the dawn When the light’s still gone Shine, shine your way And you may not know, where to go...
11 sec read

46 Replies to “The Blue Sky”

      1. MLTR mas jangan dengerin asmie dia lg berhalusinasi 😛 …itu yg judulnya “blue night”
        loh apa hubungannya dengan blue sky?

      2. iihhh… bener kok itu lagunya R. Kelly… asmie gak lagi berhalusinasi mas ronal… 🙁
        ayo coba ta ke yang nyanyi pertama tadi, mas ajos ya.. kenapa diam saja…

        #asmie kepo ya berdebat hanya karena lagu ha ha ha#

  1. If I can see it, then I can do it
    If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it…. semua!
    I believe I can fly.. ye (nyanyi)

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