Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

Weekly Photo Challenge: Escape

This week challenge is about Escape… about the need to unplug and shut off from our daily routines.

For me… escape is about where i can be who i am, talking to myself and enjoying everything about it. It’s about me, myself and I.

This is my escape…

Some of the blogs i’ve followed about this challenge also:

1. Di relung hati: http://direlunghati.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/weekly-photo-challenge-escape/

2. Jejak Bocah Hilang: http://jejakbocahilang.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/weekly-photo-challenge-escape/

3. Bam’s: http://betigaklaten.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/weekly-photo-challenge-escape/


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