Weekly Photo Challenge: Golden Moment

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Golden Moment

I love beach… and the best thing about beach is…

they have the best of sunset or sunrise…

This week challenge is about Golden Hour,  the first and last hour of sunlight of the day. Not easy though.. we all need to be there in time to make sure catching this golden hour. but when we there on time… that moment… owwww.. that just priceless.

Here are some of my family vacations in 2012 – in Bali. i really want to go back there again.

New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.
Here’s how it works:

  1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag.

  3. Subscribe to The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements. Sign up via the email subscription link in the sidebar or RSS

And these are some of the post of Golden Hour that i love:

1. http://sasieology.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/

2. http://mondasiregar.com/2013/07/13/weekly-photo-challenge-golden-hour/

3. http://betigaklaten.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour

4. http://sustainabilitea.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/

5. http://bambangpriantono.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hours-jam-emas

6. http://inigobautista.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/

7. http://direlunghati.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/

8. http://amarnaik.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/

9. http://enkoos.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-golden-hours/

10. http://ilargia64.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/golden-sunset-at-tombstone-arizona/

11. http://flickrcomments.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/weekly-photo-challenge-the-golden-hour/


  • Aku tuh selalu jatuh cinta tiap kali memandangi sunrise ataupun sunset, Mas. Perasaan kayak gimana gitu…:)

    • sama mba…
      Suka banget. dan betah aja kalau duduk di pantai lihat sunset or sunrise.

      • duniaely

        toss 😀

      • toss

  • Beautiful shots Jejak! I can see why you’d want to return!

    • yes… the beaches just make me wanna go back and back. Bali has so many beaches to explore and in those pictures, just two of them.
      Thank you Tina.


  • Just beautiful, I wish I can visit Bali soon!

    • well… what’s keeping you?
      come and feel the Bali.

  • I so agree with your. The moment the sun kisses the water is <3! 🙂

    • there are something about that…

  • waaa.., foto2 mu stunning gini Ryan…
    suka deh

    • makasih mba.
      foto mba juga bagus. sukak

  • jampang

    wah…. foto sunset dan sunrise yah?

    cari ahhhhh


    • ayo mas…
      sebenarnya gak harus sih. kan golden moment itu di saat2 seperti itu. tapi gak harus foto sunsetnya or sunrisenya.

  • Wow!! They are beautiful… awesome!!

    Besides beach, I think mountain or forest with sunset background will be nice..you have to try it, bro 🙂

    • well… i have with a mountain background. but i like beach more

  • hmmm… sunset ya? yang ada romantis ajaa… 😀

  • pake Hp atau kamera mas Ryan jepretnya?

    • satu pakai iphone (saya tulis di caption fotonya). sisanya kamera Canon.

  • bagus senjanyaa mas

    • makasih Masya

  • I miss Bali, too – spent some time there last year and trying to re-live it by writing a travel memoir on my blog….

  • WOW, nice moment……emang selalu memukau 😀

    • thank you.
      memang memukau melihat sunset itu.

      • Itu betoel adanya,mas 😀

    • kok no comment?

      • Sakit hati ngeliat gambar2nya… 🙁

      • sakit hati kenapa? 🙁

      • Aduuuuuh nanya lg….

        Bagus2 jd iri ah…

      • 🙁
        foto2 mas kemarin2 juga bagus2 kok… saya suka banget.

      • lah kok diejek. seriusan ini. gak ada maksud ejek mengejek di sini.

      • Iya deh…

        Salam damai.. Hihihi

      • :'(

  • banyak yang sendusendu fotonya kalu lihat sunrise dan sunset..

    • hahahaha. iya mba. ada apanya gitu dengan sunrise n sunset

  • sunsetnya keren.. selalu jatuh cinta sama sunset..

    • sama nih. saya juga.

      • tp blm pernah berhasil ambil senja di pantai 🙁

      • kenapa?

      • dpt momen senjanya mesti di kota..hehe..

      • wah..
        tapi senja di balik gedung bertingkat (apalagi kalau gedungnya gedung kuno) itu bagus juga kok.

  • Belom pernah ke Bali bareng keluarga euy.. Jadi pengen.

    • ayo ke sana sekeluarga. tapi tunggu Aaqil gedean deh mendingan.

  • wah ikutan wpc juga ternyata ya hehe.. salam kenal mas dari sianakdesa 😀 Semoga semakin banyak dari indonesia yang ikutan wpc

    • iya.
      suka sama challengenya tiap minggu.
      tapi jarang sertakan foto baru nih. banyakan foto lama aja.

      mas malah ikutan challenge yang jauh lebih wokeh kan? *masih ingat banner2 di samping*

      • Sama saya juga suka 😀 Ya pkoknya klau ada foto challenge semua dikutin dah sama saya hehe

      • itu ada challenge in black n white.

  • Golden moment yang diabadikan dengan indahnya Ryan. Salam

  • Sunset and sunrise. Momen yang bahkan lewat sebuah foto pun masih sulit dilukiskan semua keindahan yang ada di dalamnya. 😀
    Nice pic Mas, kalo saya Mah, biasanya cuma bisa dari atas genteng ngeliat sunset.. Hehe

    • benar. indah ya. :d
      enak dong di atas genteng. saya gak bisa naik ke genteng buat itu. 😀

      • lebih enak gitu tuh. 🙂

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