What do you want to do in your life? We are often asked by people ever since we were kids. And back then, many of us would said many things you want to do when you grow up later on, but how about now? Do you do what you want to do when you were a kid?
Back then, when I was a kid, I changed my mind every time people asked me what do I want to do when I grow up. I remembered I said that I want to be an engineer because of the first President of Indonesia had an engineer title. I hold to this answer for quite sometimes. I forgot when, but I do remember that next thing I answered when the same question asked to me was to be a Doctor.
Yes.. just like Susan, I was thinking it would be fun if I could inject people with my needles. LoL – It was childish right? But hey, I was a kid back then, didn’t know which one good thing to do. And then, during my Junior High School, I realized that I couldn’t stand nearby blood. The smell of the blood made me dizzy and almost passed out (luckily I didn’t otherwise how would my friends took me to health room).
Thus, since that time, I changed my future dream again. I was thinking about being a Professor that giving lecture to students, but that didn’t last because I remembered my past experience when I taught a neighboring kid. He came to my house only asked me to do his homework. So, what did I want to do then?
My Dreams During High School

During my high school, I dream to be a professional in Accounting. I started to think like that when I was chosen to be in the Accounting Class. And during the second year of my high school, I already had in my mind of what I wanted to do and how. I wanted to apply for a scholarship that my sister tried before, which is a scholarship from a well-known bank in Indonesia. Sadly, when I graduated, I couldn’t apply the scholarship due to some administrative problems with my high school.
To applied the scholar, I needed the graduation papers and grades to prove my ability, but at that time, my parent couldn’t pay the last tuition in order to get those papers. So I couldn’t apply the scholar for the year 2000, year of my graduation. But I applied again the next year and Thank God that I was accepted in the program – Program Pendidikan Akuntansi. That was my turning point to be coming the person I am now.
After the program, which was 30 months studying, I worked as one of the internal audit team there. I worked for about 3 (three) years before I resigned and applied for an accounting job in a very contrasting industry, a medical distribution company. And my life journey began. Afterwards, I worked as an accountant in many different companies (including worked in Cirebon City and Liberia).
My Dreams of the Future
Yes, my last job was a living prove that I was living my dreams – I dream to be and become a professional in Accounting (even though I don’t have certificates) in various companies and industries made me exposed with the How To Accountant instead of a theoretical accountant only. But now…
Okay, talking about now, this present day, I am still dealing with my vague future. I am in the middle to deciding what to do next in my life as my first and only dream to be pursued. I was and am thinking to be a full time blogger, doing some accounting projects and also an insurance agent for my future. Along with that blogging thing, I want to keep on sharing of what I learnt from my life through my blog. And hopefully I can achieve those future dreams.
This post is kind of personal thing that I rarely shared with others, and submitted for English Friday Challenge (EF#17). The theme of the challenge is Future Goals Now and Then. If you want to join Blog English Club, please click on the challenge for details.
So… what is your goals in life?
You’ll be a great full time blogger, an accounting free lancer with successful projects as well as an insurance agent who helps many people. I believe that you can do so.
Amin. Hopefully Dan.
Kalo sukses makan-makan ya om… 😀
Hahahaha. Bukannya barusan dah makan om?
Akuntasi itu termasuk ilmu yang memusingkan buat gw Ryan, makanya klo ada yg sampe tahan mempelajari advance, gw acung jempol dehh..
#cuma tahan mpe basic
Hahaha. Simple sebenernya kok.
Makasih ya jempolnya.
The luckiest man is the one living his dream katanya ya 😀
I am curious with your accounting project, I hope you will share about it here :p
What are you curious about Nia? Accounting is not a fancy thing.
Agree for your saying: the one living his dream. Hopefully many do living their dreams.
Accounting is hard, but very challenging Mas. I couldn’t describe how happy I was when I fond that my computation resulted in a balance value between those columns :hehe. Whatever your dream is, as long as it’s a good one, I pray for it, may you succeed in fulfilling those dreams!
Eh Mas, btw kok postingan give awaynya belum ada link yang nyangkut ke notifikasi saya, ya? (ini baru lihat gambarnya di Top Posts and Pages dan heran sendiri karena seingat saya belum ada notifikasi… :hehe). Saya cek dulu, ya!
Thank you Gara. 🙂
Aku dah komen sih tadi di post mu. gak masukkah?
Baru dicek :haha.