Who never get worries? I’m sure everyone had. Or maybe now you have.
Well. I have my worries also. But i try not to think about it too much. Why? I believe there is a greater power out-here that will help.
And worrying won’t do any good to me. To us. Not make us grow. So???
I found this quote today. And yes. I totally agree with it.
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. Unknown
What do u think?
hi bro… (enakan panggil bro nih :p )
waktu baca tentang EBOLA di koran kompas kemaren… dan tertulis salah satunya negara LIBERIA… tiba-tiba mendadak dangdut keinget sama teman blog ini..
bagaimana denganmu? amankah?
Makasih dah ingat daku.
Khawatir sih mba. But still holding on. Yg penting jaga kshtan pribadi dulu.
Agree! Worrying will lead us nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.
So let’s try to fill the day with positive thoughts and positive activities :hehe :peace.