Young but… (Learning from Abby – Masterchef Junior US)

belajar dari abby masterchef junior

Young but… (Learning from Abby – Masterchef Junior US)

I am 8 years old

Okay. After ANTM, lets talk about Masterchef US Junior. One of the favorite is Abby. She is the youngest. 8 years old. In one of the episode, Abby only success with two Sunny Side Up eggs challenge that represents the number of ingredients she allowed to use in the next cooking. TWO… And by the way, making a perfect sunny side up is not easy as it looks. Don’t believe me? Try it.

Abby - the young and talented
Abby – the young and talented

You know what she took for the challenge? The two ingredients she took are Salmon and Asparagus. How to  make the dish? She made five ways asparagus, broiled, sauteed, fried tops, fried bottoms (sure), and asparagus soup. The salmon was broiled also and it was cooked perfectly. And finally she became the top two for that night, along with Samuel – and became the team captain on the next group battle.

You know…

Abby showed us a remarkable fighting spirit. Let’s assume… what if you are ABBY? What would you do? I, myself, could be so depressed and cook something really bad. But hey… she’s not. She cried, yes. But only for a while. After that, she come back up and giving the best she can. I mean, who would thought of five ways cooking asparagus in such way that the  food looks like having so many ingredients inside?

There are several things we, the older one, from this young cook, Abby, especially this episode.

1. She really knows what she wants.

This episode is talking about the dream they have for their future. What kind of restaurant they want to open in future. Most of them already have their own picture. What kind of restaurant they want. What is the name, etc. Abby wants to open Horses & Courses.

2. Never give up – Cry as much as you want but never give up

If we have the problems like what Abby facing on this episode, most of us maybe cried and then just giving up. But not her. She cried but only for a while – not even a tear-dropped cries. She feel confused at first what to do. But then… after a while, she get up and make her dish in a very perfect way.

When we are facing problems, most of us will feel weaken and then we feel that this is it. This is the time to say goodbye. Giving up is the right thing to do. But then, what we don’t know is that in every problems, God actually giving us a test. Test to see how strong we are. If we are strong enough, the dream we want could be happened. So, are you giving up now?

3. Do… Creative

Abby's Salmon and Five Ways Asparagus
Abby’s Salmon and Five Ways Asparagus

I mean, what else i can say here. Abby is so creative and clever. She managed to do the challenge and came up with one of the best two dishes of that week challenge. She’s so creative in creating those “Five Ways Asparagus” in such

way that look so delicious to eat.

Those are several things that we can learn from Abby, the eight years old girl who’s having the bad week. But she was able to manage that and go through all the way. Now, she’s on the big 4, you know…. one step ahead to the final.

But hey… This is only my thought. Yours could be differ. So, feel free to comment and put your thought about this also.


  • kecil2 cabe rawit! aku aja yg umur tua blm tentu bs msk

    • Hahaha. Jleb gak tuh Win?

  • I watched this episode and got caught on my heart by this adorable young Abby for her salmon & asparagus. I remember she shouted to the chefs giggling, “I am the first to finish shopping!”

    What a big soul!

    • Yes.. i remember that also. at the end, she is a kid.

  • sekarang aja saya cuma bisa masak air sama mi instan 😀

    • Haha. Memang beda2 kemampuan orang ya mas.

  • Aku kadang ngerasa terintimidasi nonton master chef junior ini. Kecil2 pada jago banget masaknya 😀

    • Jadiin motivasi biar bisa lebih mba.

  • Lumayan. Kinda watch the show myself. Jangan bosen ya mas posting ginian. 🙂

    • justru takutnya malah pada bosen dengan yang kayak ginian Dan. dianggap guruin.

      • Saya sih gak bosen. Huehehehe.

      • okay deh. setidaknya ada yang gak bosan.
        btw komen yang ini juga tadi masuk spam. kenapa ya? padahal sebelumnya gak.

      • Waaaah. Saya tak tahu Mas. Kayaknya semua komen saya hari ini kefilter spam deh. Huhuhu

      • ada apa dengan dirimu hingga masuk spam

  • keren ya… 😀

    • Iya mba.

  • Tontonan kita sama… ANTM dan MasterChef. Aku kalo udah setel TV demennya nonton StarWorld doang 😀

    • hahaha. toss…
      padahal mah karena langganannya cuma yang itu. pengen nonton movie gak langganan. AXN juga. kadang ke Fox aja.

      • Iyaaaa, hahaha 😀 ke FOX buat nonton yang kriminal-kriminalan. Abis ambil paket paling murah yang FOX Crime pun nggak kebuka 😀

      • pasti pikirannya jadi ikutan kriminal2an. hahahaha.
        sama sih. nontonnya itu juga. 😀

  • kita paling suka dia, keren banget ya dan lucuuuu

    • saya pribadi sih suka sama Oona mba. 😀 manis.
      kalau Abby terlalu kecil *sama aja tau masih kecil dua-duanya*
      tapi iya… Abby lucu. :d

  • mirip sama si tilman kemarin yah, sama sama kesempatan minim. kadang emang yang dapat kesempatan baik ga selalu menang sih. di junior masterchef Indonesia juga gitu, waktu itu pilih ikan. yang menang justru yang kebagian pilihan ikan yang ga favorit karena giliran pilihnya belakangan

    • Wah. Yang episode semalam ya? Belum nonton nih mas.

      • bukan, itu junior masterchef Indonesia yang season kemarin

      • Ooo. Malah gak nonton mas.

  • […] Abby? Yep… one of the contestants in Masterchef US season 2 that I wrote before. You can read it here. She’s in semifinal last week. And in this semifinal, the challenge was to make salmon dish with […]

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